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Crescent Drive - Interior Render

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Studio/Institution: Personal
Genre: Residential Interior
Software: Blender, Photoshop

Hi everyone, this is my first serious attempt to create an interior view with Blender.


This image is based on a photo of a real interior view (see attachments)


Any comments to improve my image it would be highly appreciate it (Eg, Lighting...)


Thanks in advance!



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Felix, nice work. Generally a really good scene.


Now, I'm by no means an expert but merely some fresh eyes.


I have a few pointers (i could be very wrong)


1) The image seems quite flat.

By that I mean it is fairly evenly lit. Maybe an increase in contrast or more dynamic lighting - a greater difference in dark and light areas.


2) The scene looks really perfect

The floor is a really flat colour and everything. The sofa looks unused. Maybe some depressions in the cushions or loose fabric?


3) TV reflection looks weird

Maybe make the TV less reflective


4) Armchair material

Looks flat


5) Lights

Maybe some light effects (glow)?


A nicely designed room.



I hope it helps.



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