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problem with light mirror ?!


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Hi all .. am new here this is my first post and question ..


well as seen in pics am workin on a conter with indirect light around for inside and out side .. and both are symitrical .. so i worked on one and put the light objects wixh is omni here .. and then i wanted to mirror it i mean th counter with its lights .. but wht happen is the new mirrored lights are looking fine in the render .. but the original ones not giving the same look .. and i rotate the view .. and i got the same thing .. now am a beginner and i did search about this but nojoy ..


am u sing 3d max7 .. and i dont know wht am doing wrong .. is it me or the program .. thanks all

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:D 70 ppl viewed the thread and no one answered hehe ..

anyway ..

i gues theres a problem with the mirror tool in MAX7 , i was creating a sofa for the project and after i finished te first half of it .. i used the mirror as COPY so i got the other half .. but again .. the original one changed after the mirror .. did anyone see this b4 .. i mean i lost so many edges .. and even the wire frame changed but it keeps the same figure !! :confused: is this normal ?

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Lights may not support mirroring properly, I don't know. That is scene is small enough that you can create Instance clones of one light and place them where you need them.


For objects, like a couch, that have a left and a right that are the same, and where you can get away with creating only one half and copying the other half, use the Symmetry modifier instead. It will mirror one half, split the model if necessary, and weld the verticies along the mirror.


Have fun! :D

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