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earth wall rammed wall texture


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hi guys - i have a project where it calls for a rammed wall texture as per the attached - not sure how to tackle this or how to create it? The only option i feel at this stage is to go somewhere to take some photos of it



The panels will be around 4 x 2 metres or so



any help would be much appreciated







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I worked on a competition bid a few years ago and came up with a (very rough) semi-procedural one that I'm sure you could improve on with a little time.


I had it set up with a stone/sand texture as a base in a composite map, then a gradient ramp over the top of it set to overlay blend mode, with noise. Id use the same technique again, only this time try to find better maps for the diffuse/specular/bump components. The gradient ramp bit was the easy bit.

8635 - Pine End - Camera 05 - 21-03-2017.jpg

8635 - Pine End - Camera 01 - 22-03-2017.jpg


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