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Dead-Black Viewport 3ds max


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I have been having some graphics issues with Max 2018 and some funky viewport behavior. I am now on a clean install of max on a newly formatted machine, and still the issue persists.


It happens randomly but most noticeably, when I switch from wire frame to any shaded view once and a while the view port will go black and never come back to life no matter what view im in within that viewport (top, front, perspective etc).


If i have selection highlights on i can tell the viewport is still "working" and objects are in the scene when the mouse passes over them or you click on them but i cannot see anything at all. A restart of the file does not fix this and the viewport never comes back.


I can however open a new file and that viewport is fine for a bit. I have checked illuminate with default lights, etc etc (set at default) also can set another viewport to the same settings and that one works and the black viewport remains black.


If i switch to wire frame the background returns and everything looks normal and when you switch back to shaded... black. Any suggestions? Thanks

viewport black.jpg

viewport object moused over.jpg

viewport wireframe.jpg

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