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script: Camera Animator


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This script creates a new animated camera that animates along the scene camera's. Every position and rotation is stored in an animation key. It converts target camera's to free camera's (for now). It also selects hidden camera's (for now). It lets you render a number of camera's without making numerous network renderjobs or having to set up the video post every time. Some other insignificant bugs are still in it.


Download it for free from my site........

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OK some more explaination:


When you setup, lets say:30 camera's in your scene for still rendering, and you want to render each camera view. What are you going to do?? There are scripts that export all camera's to different netrenderjobs. But you'll end up with 30 renderjobs. That is a lot of traffic and space if you have a very big scene. You can also set up the camera's in the video post. But we all know that is time consuming work (and for VIZ users simply not available). The other way is to animate a camera along all the positions of the view camera's you want to render, and add every different position to a animation key. Now you only have to render 1 camera over frames 0 to 29 and you have all your views rendered (as a sequence but who cares). This last "trick" I automated into this script. Thats all......


EDIT: one of the "bugs" if you have selected the camera's in the Camera Animator and you delete a scene camera, you have to press "get camera's/refresh/reset" again. And the camera order is gone...

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  • 2 years later...

Seems like a great idea, not got it working yet tho...does it work in max 9 / 2008? Sory if this sounds basic but how does it install? as a menu item/ modifyer or does it come up in the utility menu?


I've tried "run script" but nothign appears to happen. I'm using max 9 SP2.



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2 Shane

LOL, i checked unread post and didn`t look at the date ))) i`ll be more careful next time )))


2 steven have you search in internet?

i`ll didn`t use it, bacause i use one animating camera.

i`ll try to finde it in russian forum, i`ve see it there.

please remind me it because i can forget it, i have too much work....

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