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AutoCAD LT - Copy vs Copy Clip


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I was taught many years ago that the copy command should be used within the same drawing, and that copy clip should only be used for copying from drawing to drawing, not used within the same drawing.


Does anyone have an option if it matters either way?

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  • 5 years later...

When working with AutoCAD LT, both the Copy and CopyClip commands have their distinct purposes.

  • Copy: This command allows you to duplicate selected objects within the same drawing. You can place the copied object multiple times without needing to reselect it, which can be handy for repetitive tasks within a single file.

  • CopyClip: This command, on the other hand, lets you copy objects to the clipboard, enabling you to paste them into other drawings or applications. This is particularly useful when working across different files or integrating elements into different parts of your project.

At Silicon Valley, we've found that CopyClip is essential for efficient workflow management, especially when dealing with complex projects that require elements to be reused across multiple drawings. While Copy is great for in-drawing duplication, CopyClip extends that functionality across your entire project library.

Using both commands effectively can significantly enhance your productivity in AutoCAD LT.

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