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How to do a specular bitmap?


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The link I posted offers an excellent explanation of what a specular map is and more. There are many more sources of instruction.


Could you answer his question? Please post your advice so that others may learn from it and even learn that "trust" you speak about.



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hehe, it personally makes me laugh sometimes all these artists that use a zillion techniques and maps and shaders and material trees just for a simple effect.


i mean, all that polava just for a leaf???


i'm sure all these shading techniques produce nice results, but hey, EXACTLY the same results can usually be produced without all that lot. it can be really off-putting for nubes and beginners.


my opinion of course ;)

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Jeez there's a lot of touchy people about!

All I did was answer your question.


He posted a question here so that someone would answer it.

That's why he didn't go on a wild google chase (see what I did there?) where a nube can easily go off in the wrong direction.


My answer to the question would be: Use the same map as you used for bump and diffuse. You might have to alter it slightly but in architectural work, I never really see a need for more.

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Could you explain the applicable meaning of "EXACTLY"? That would be useful.

My recommendation for Nubies is to do tutorials, and more tutorials and read all they could find about the subject they are trying to master until they are satisfied.


I would not call a "Nube" a member with a "Senior" status.



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as IC said, calm down! no one's having a pop at you m8. :)


i was talking in general, and not about archkre specifically.

(besides, the 'senior' status is purely based on time registered in cga, NOT on user ability. i bet there are a fair few senior members here that are still 3d nubies)


by exactly i mean identical.

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(besides, the 'senior' status is purely based on time registered in cga, NOT on user ability. i bet there are a fair few senior members here that are still 3d nubies)


Just because I have a headache right now, I'll point out that status pertains to number of posts. :)


Many people who write tutorials are nice enough to categorize them by difficulty or level of experience required. We do have sense enough to figure out what suits us and what's over our heads if that is not the case.


Someone doesn't have to know anything to come here and participate and ask questions. Just from my experience though, you get more respect and better feedback when people are aware that you've made an effort to find out on your own by searching the forums, working with tutorials, and reading the fabled manual.


Daniel, I think you can use the same bitmap for bump and specular. You can play with bitmap Output settings and also with the Specular map value and the Specular parameter for the basic shader. Hope that helps.

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