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I have just began using Viz 2005 with MR, and have a question about the attached image. The light seems very blotchy around the windows and ceiling even though I have final gather on. Do I need to increase my samples in the final gather rollout and the global illumination rollout? They were set at 500 samples a piece. The photon tracing samples were at 1200.

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Photons are on the lights, it's not the GI samples. GI photons by default are 10000. Make them 20000, 50000 or even 100000. This should give you better quality.


Another option is to play with Radius. They should allow you to fine tune the quality too.



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the goal is to have a good coverage of all the areas in your scene by overlapping photons. the overlapping will average the solution and thus filter out the detail you need.


so it's a matter of balancing the number of photons vs. radius size vs. rendertime to get good looking, but fast rendering images.


and this will be different for every scene you start, so there is no fixed ideal number/radius for the photons in your scene you're trying now


your render should look nearly finished using only photons GI and no fgather (turned off).

then just add a small amount of fgather to filter out the last splotches (not more than 2000 should be final render quality)

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