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Help with strange blobs on vray plane light

Irena Ivanova

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Hey guys. I've been using 3ds max for a few years now (I'm using 3ds max 2020 and vray 5 update 2) but now I'm running into a problem and I 
can't seem to resolve it. I'm using V Ray for hidden furniture lighting 
as well as lighting from ceiling fixtures, 
but mysterious colored dots appear there. I tried everything I could think of with no success. If you have any ideas what it 
could be I would greatly appreciate it!! I use vray lights, vray sun, vray camera and vray materials. Any suggestions are welcome!
Edited by Irena Ivanova
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That seems to be samples issues, what type of anti aliasing are you using?

Also try to avoid placing V Ray lights inside the light fixture, usually if you put a light and then a glass in front of it, this will create issues with glow and lighting in general, it is better hide the light but put it outside the light fixture, and then use a self illumination material instead to simulate the light glow.

Check if you are using some glow or bloom in your post processing panel on the VRay render window.

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