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wishlist for AutoCAD 2006


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What is your wishlist from AutoCAD 2006


Here is my wishlist...


1- More flexbility on Solids, at least some kind of vertex editing or easier to use tools than actual ones or a stretch command for 3D solids.


2- Converting polylines to renderable 3D splines by giving thickness like 3D MAX. No need to extrude along path. This can be a sub command under polyline editing command so that line can be updated easily


3-Better viewport handling of complex 3D scenes with a decent Nvidia card like 3ds MAX. Transparency


4- Saving Architectural Desktop objects as flat 2D plans or a flatten command

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For your first wish, try using the "move face" command under the solids editing. It works great for essentially "stretching" solids.

Thanks Chat, That's true but if you have a unioned window frame or solids and want to stretch overall height from 4' to 4'6, you have to take it to 3ds max or export as 3ds and bring it back. why not can not be done with a single command in a $3750 software ?

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That's true but if you have a unioned window frame or solids and want to stretch overall height from 4' to 4'6, you have to take it to 3ds max or export as 3ds and bring it back.

That's not the case. If you use the move face command, and pick the correct faces (you don't even have to be terribly precise at picking) you can stretch the window frame 6" or whatever. I use the command to fill in booleaned holes, add length/take away length to a solid, or whatever. Play with the command and you will see what it can do. It's really quite powerful.



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Hey Fernando can you tell me how to flatten Architectural desktop files in AutoCAD 2005 version.


If no one has a wish and my wishes are already there, then no need AutoCAD 2006. :)



**my FIRST post!!!**

Export to AutoCAD 2004

Screen menu: File -> Export to AutoCAD -> 2004 format...

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I really like AutoCad as a 2d and basic 3d utility but for the price tag, it's 3d tools should be more like a medium range 3d package.

It should have more intuitive modelling and viewing and MUCH improved texturing/rendering ability.


And no, I don't think the 2004 upgrade was of great benefit to us. (Don't have 2005 yet.)

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has anything useful been added since AutoCAD 2000?



I really like AutoCad as a 2d and basic 3d utility but for the price tag, it's 3d tools should be more like a medium range 3d package.

It should have more intuitive modelling and viewing and MUCH improved texturing/rendering ability.


And no, I don't think the 2004 upgrade was of great benefit to us. (Don't have 2005 yet.)


I was using 2000 version and just installed the AutoCAD 2005.No major improvement from then. I thought if we create a useful wishlist for next version may be Autodesk listen and improve..


Another wishlist.. cut/slice tool for Regions.

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