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Revit 2024 --> 3ds Max 2024: Linked With or Without Helper Object Issue

Casey Hawley

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I have searched through the Goo and the only things I can find about this are the typical instructions how to link Revit files in Max. That's not my issue. The options I use are to combine objects that share materials. Otherwise, I'm not using any other options.

My issue is this:

When I link RVT files from one of my teammates, the objects are all linked to a Helper object and also sit in their own new layer that gets created during the linking process, which is named for the RVT file. Another aspect of the linked RVT is that the objects are NOT editable by default. 

That is how it should be.

However, when I link RVT files from a different teammate - through the exact same linking process - the objects appear on whatever layer was active, plus the objects are not linked to a Helper object, AND the objects are all editable by default.

This is NOT how it should be.

Does anyone know how to fix this from the Revit side? It doesn't seem like a Max issue, but I could be wrong! 😅


Edit: Just discovered that the files that link correctly are coming from Revit 2024.2 and the ones that aren't working as expected are coming from Revit 2024.3. 🙄 Still hoping it's some kind of setting, or template issue.

Edited by Casey Hawley
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That's odd... I mean, I haven't heard of any issues regarding 2024.3 (but most companies I work with don't trust AD enough to update that often, anyway). I guess the best course of action would be to open a support ticket with AD to see if there are any changes to Revit that they have not highlighted.

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  • 3 weeks later...
It sounds like the issue comes from differences in how the Revit files are set up or exported. Check if both teammates are using the same export settings in Revit, including preserving hierarchy and ensuring correct 3D views and workset visibility. Make sure the files use the same shared coordinate system and that helper objects are created during export. Also, double-check Max's import options to ensure they're consistent. If the problem persists, ask your teammate to clean up their Revit file and try re-exporting it to see if that fixes the issue.
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/6/2025 at 1:31 AM, Silicon Valley infomedia Pvt. Ltd. said:
It sounds like the issue comes from differences in how the Revit files are set up or exported. Check if both teammates are using the same export settings in Revit, including preserving hierarchy and ensuring correct 3D views and workset visibility. Make sure the files use the same shared coordinate system and that helper objects are created during export. Also, double-check Max's import options to ensure they're consistent. If the problem persists, ask your teammate to clean up their Revit file and try re-exporting it to see if that fixes the issue.

Thank you for the suggestions!

(I thought this was solved since another project - from the same artist - linked correctly. Figured he started using the others' template and all was good.) 😔

Unfortunately, I am linking the .RVT file using the File >> Import >> Link Revit command, NOT importing an exported FBX. The objects in the Revit file should be linked, but the objects are coming in as editable, which means they are bound/embedded, not linked. In Max, in the File LInk Manager, the icon next to the link has a red flag. When linked properly, it should have a paperclip mark on the icon.

Would you elaborate on "preserving hierarchy" and "workset visibility"? I mentioned these to the artists, but they didn't know. Understand that they are fairly new to Revit (between 0-1 year). We prob need to get some outside training! 😅

Anyway, when I first encountered the problem I went ahead and made my own helper and linked all the objects to it, in order to get my work done. However, I didn't realize the file was bound until now. I just tried to update the link. Even though I go through the same steps/options for linking, instead it ends up as a traditional import as new bespoke objects like at the beginning. This totally sucks because it doesn't replace the geo or keep my material assignments.

I will try linking an exported FBX as a workaround. 🤞

Okay, I've been composing this post for a long time while doing other tests, researching, etc.

We tried some test files: 1. Basic walls, using Revit default project template; and 2. Basic walls, using our custom template that has BIM families from different manufacturers added to it (but not placed as objects). The families are from KingSpan, MetalSpan, Clopay, and others. Both of these test files linked correctly! 

Is there possibly something in the way that 3rd party BIM families are added, imported, or assigned? Or is it possible a BIM family itself could be wonky? Perhaps something in the way these families are set up? Or maybe something in the way a family could be manipulated within the project? Maybe the artist does some sort of customization to a family that they don't realize is breaking something?

We will also be opening a ticket with Autodesk to see what they say. I will post back with whatever I learn.


Edit: BTW, Revit hung trying to export to FBX. I was also able to successfully link a version of the problem file where one of the BIM panel families was turned off and it linked correctly! We are going to stop using those 3rd party families for the time being. My work doesn't really need all of that info anyway.  However, my questions above are still valid for gathering info! 🙂 Prob have to create our own custom families for the materials we use.

Edited by Casey Hawley
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