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Hi, I just go back to start to use Max after some years away from it, I been using XSI and Maya mostly for 3D Animation, I see the Architecture Rendering its getting way better than 5 years ago when I just to use Max, I need the help of all you, obviuslly I now a lot of stuff related to 3D, but I need cacht ut with Max and mostly Im looking for Tutorials or Tricks that are focus or may help for Architecture Renderings, I understand that each person have they own opinios and techniches of HOW TO, soo why dont tell us everyone HOW, what did you use?, what did you prefer?, what sucks? all you opinios will create a great idea, no just to me but to anyone.

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There is a set of tutorials on this very website that really helped me out...




The light tutorial at the very bottom of the page taught me how I can create really nice lighting without using some powerful renderer.


I'm curious also though, if somebody has found a tutorial or book on creating houses from autocad/scratch. I've always imported mine from the 3d model that Vertex creates as a byproduct.



Have a good one.



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