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best RPC alternative for MR (GI)


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Until now I have traditionally used RPC trees and people in the Max scanline render. I have got to the point that I think I can use MR for my pro renderings. Of course this means no more RPC. I have tried a few options but wanted to know if anyone else has a good GI workflow for entourage? I have tried bill boarding and compositing but wanted to know if there are better alternatives – meaning faster and juicier! As far as I can tell bill boarding still images (yuck!) is the only option for animation. I guess it may be time to learn character studio and crowds.





Insight Animation

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not using rpc is the first step to being creative

you'll find if nothing else your work stops looking like everyone else


they stick out like sore thumbs on external shots unless colour corrected


trees so many options

plugins cost money but bionatics and speedtree give good low poly results and you can do birds video which rpc won't


then again i'm guilty and pop them in once in a while but i don't put my name against the work

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Thanks David


I have a lot of issues with RPC - what they look like is just the start but when you got to get the job done fast they are a life saver.


What do you use in animation for moving people? What about trees and GI – it kills the render time just to have a couple of trees. I know I can always composite but what do I do when I can’t? For example whenever I show a client a still interior with no people the first thing out of their mouth is “get a bunch of people in there.”

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cars can be found lowpoly..., trees can be excluded from light and shadows (projector bitmap with the trees in black to get shadow from sun), but people ....


in stills you can use a seperate scanline render (only the rpcs) and then use the alpha to composite them afterwards in photopaint

in animations it's alot harder... but animating a building in Mray??? thats not very quick unless you texture bake (and then you can use rpc)

so i would suggest using lighttracer (used it succesfully... with rpcs) or texture bake your mray scene for animations and then you can add rpc all you want :D

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