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New USC-TC CAFA Dean's Office CR


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The design isn't mine. My colleagues at the department wanted to know how the dean's office will look like so they asked for a render of the office and its comfort room. i've never done a render of anything close to a cr, might as well give a shot and practice vray.

so here are some of my attempts. I'm going for a sunset time of day. So i made use of a sunset hdri map in the environment slot (vray and max) for the illumination. a target spot with an almost yellow orange tint and a vray light at the window opening. I was hoping you guys can tell if i got the sunset render or does it need adjustments.





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the desig isn't mine, i just did the render.besides, the cr is in the upper floors and the glass is tinted.anyways, the second image has a the sun almost at the horizon thus the lighting shoud be almost be dusk like. though i intend to put ies lights to accentuate the room.maybe later....you know our dean...hehehe..might change his mind on the design....

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