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residence; feedback please


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Brian,

Your modelling, lighting and compositing are more than adequate. However your texturing lets the image down.


The textures are too basic and repetitive and receive too much light.


I also think the balance between reflection and transparency on the glass is off.

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i think the glass needs some more work, as does the other textures a bit (they look too basic and just 'slapped' on)


but mainly the lighting. even if it's just some post photoshopping. that image looks like it has a sheet of smoked glass placed over it. you need more contrast and vibrancy.

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I posted this in the wip section and had no responses. Looking for some feedback. ................thanks

I merged the previous post into this new one, so it's easier to follow its evolution.

I like the style. But have to agree with Strat about the lighting, it's missing something. What soft are you using? What lighting technique are you using?

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Rick, thanks for the "style" comment. I'm designing this house for myself so its good to hear that someone else finds it ok.

I'm using 3ds max6. I used light tracer with a skylight and a secondary direct light. I used a fog effect which did little more than flatten the whole thing, as Strat pointed out.

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The textures definetly look a lot better. But I think the roof has a little to much contrast right now, same for the stone. The glass still needs a lot of work. You either need more reflection or some light on inside, or maybe both. Also, the whole thing is underexposed but especially under the large overhangs. I assume we will be seeing some entourage soon?

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This has been driving me nuts. I do most my work on a laptop and the image looks good; much lighter. Now, when I look at it with my desktop its, like you said, way too dark and the color is different as well. How do you know how to adjust an image so it will look acceptable on various screens of different resolution, color settings, etc.?

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well, unfortunately the laptop isn't the best of screens to work to as the lighting looks different at whatever angle the screen is. if you want to use the laptop i suggest you calibrate it or approximate it to a similar look as your desktop monitor is.

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