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Nikon Capture Editor And Amd


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I have a Nikon D70 with the Nikon Capture Editor 4.1.3 The computer is a Dual Opteron 250. The program crashes every time I load it up. Actually the computer is thwe one that crashes and reboot. AMD blames Nikon, Nikon blames AMD....! I know it is a well known bug. The software and the Opterons are not compatible. There is a lot of information about this subject on the internet.


I have heard some people have been succesful. Does anybody here has experienced the same problem. Have you fixed it....?


I don't have that problem on the Xeon machine.




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You are a lucky person. I have read some people have no problems and then some people have problems. My comp worked OK until I installed SP2. I am going to keep trying. In the meantime I open the files with Photoshop.


I was not convinced on the RAW format but lately I have noticed it is better to do RAW even with the disadvantage of the file size.


Thanks for your response.....!



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