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Kray Trace Render Engine


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Yep...and just wait until the changes to the SDK...(I really don't know what that means but changes should allow outside renderers access to volumetrics etc. - so many of the restrictions now in place should be gone.)

As I've said - looking forward to V-Ray - as I really like the quality/time of the renderings posted.

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i use max and vray at work, but can not afford max for home use. i have been hoping for the day that lightwave and vray work together. but that may be where they are going with the elusive stand alone version of vray that was a hot topic mid-way through last year. ...but don't hold your breath waiting for vray, they are still working on rolling out 1.5, and the original stand alone versiont hey showed was basically just a couple of options studying how it might work as a stand alone program.

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Seems the floodgates have opened for replacement renderers for LightWave.


I don't know how-I always thought it was almost impossible due to the way the program is written(?)




It's possible because as far as I was able to find out Kray is still just an outside renderer with a plugin interface in LW that imports LW geometry, lights and surface data and renders it in it's own enviroment. That's why no shaders or procedural textures are supported. Still it looks very nice and very fast and I can't wait to see the demo version!

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Ah I didn't realise it was a standalone engine.

I stopped reading when I saw the price and that the demo wasn't yet available (bit pricey for something you can't try out!).


The examples look ok but I'm sure they could've produced better images to promote it.


The good news is that FPrime seems to have forced the change needed in the SDK so there should be more options soon.

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that means i put the "LWiface" folder in my plugins folder and then "install" them? I use th "run" file for that?

i find the "read me" file not very explicit as it begins by "will not run with LW older than LW 7.5c".


sorry for these questions





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In LightWave click 'Add PlugIns' then select the Kray.ls and Kray_render.ls files from wherever you've put them (doesn't matter really).

Then follow the instructions.

Once its installed, go to 'Master PlugIns' and select Kray. Then open the interface and you're there.


btw 'older than' 7.5 means 'before' 7.5 e.g. 7

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"In LightWave click 'Add PlugIns' then select the Kray.ls and Kray_render.ls files "


The problem is that I don't have Kray_render.ls file

i got Kray.ls , Kray_frame.ls and Kray_options.ls in the LWiface folder.

I also have the Kray.exe file and a run.exe file????


Thank u in advance, it looks like I'm a bit lost....



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I set a path for th image saver inside Kray (desktop foe example)

And it seems i don't have any problem with Kray.exe path as it seems to load correctly... When i hit the render frame button Kray asks me if i want to save the objects and the scene which seems to be normal as i read it but then nothing happens ( no render window appearing nor image saved)....

Is there suppose to be a render window or something that shows how long the render takes?

Thanks for the help...



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When I downloaded the demo at first, hitting the render frame button opened another 'run' style window and then a render-in-progress window.

Now that I've replaced the original with the new demo, I'm having the same trouble as you.

And of course, I haven't kept the original!


To be honest, in my limited trials, I wasn't exactly blown away with speed or quality but I would like another go.

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When I downloaded the demo at first, hitting the render frame button opened another 'run' style window and then a render-in-progress window.

Now that I've replaced the original with the new demo, I'm having the same trouble as you.

And of course, I haven't kept the original!


To be honest, in my limited trials, I wasn't exactly blown away with speed or quality but I would like another go.


I had similar problems. There seemed to be some issue with a too long path to kray dir. I then moved kray folder to something like D:\kray and it worked fine. Also sometimes there might be issues with LW's config file. Be sure to first remove .ls from your plugins and then add new ones.

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