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Nikon D70 And Dust Spots


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I used the same liquid. The difference is the actual swab. The sawb I used is the Sensor Swab made by the same people that make the liquid we used.


I am going to try one last time. My camera was bad since the first day. Perhaps I have an extra dirty camera.




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I would like to know how you guys check for dust spots. I have read three different methods. They are the following:


1. Take a white piece of paper. Put a light bulb behind and take a photo.


2. Take a photo of a light box (Plexiglass with light behind)


3. Aim at a clear blue sky and take a picture


All these photos have to be taken at F20 to F22. Then I bring these photos to CS and do Image - Adjusments - Auto Levels


When I do the first two methods I read spots. When I do the last method I don't seem to have any spots. When I take pictures of my surroundings I don't see the spots I used to see. Does it means I have a clean CCD. I am confused.


Here are my Sky Pics. Beatifull day in Atlanta for doing this.... The intense blue one is just the photo before procesing it on Photoshop. The other ones is after it has been processed in order to enhance the spots. I really see no spots. However, If use the first two methods, I get the spots. Is it that the spots are on the paper and lightbox an not on the sensor.






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To thoe of you following this thread, there was the follwong three issues I was trying to solve:


1. Dirt Spots (Dust bunnies) and how to get rid of them. I think the

problem was solved but I was using the wrong way to measure

the results. If you have questions go back on the thread.


2. Is ExpoDisc of any value. I still don't know. I don't want to precipitate

to an awnser. However, I don't think it is worth the $139.00. I tried using

a Maxwell House coffe lid instead of the ExpoDisc and I got the same

result. I will call the manufacturer tomorrow.


3. My basic problem since I bought the camera was the focusing. My

daughter and Jeff Mottle really think the problem has to with the

component (or lack of component) behind the viewfinder. I found

an article by camera psiquiatrist that confirms my daughter and Jeff's

scientific observation. Anybody having a focusing problem with the

Nikon D70 should read this 18 page Test Article. I perfomed the test

and the camera works fine. The test is on http://md.co.za/d70/chart.html



Good Luck


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  • 3 weeks later...


Any feedback on the D70 cleaning? Which system did you use and did it give acceptable results? I've ordered a pack of cleaning swabs and a new bottle of the reccomended cleaning solution, to try and get rid of the marks on my sensor, but wanted to hear any horror stories before going for it. Once you mentioned them ,they really started to jump out and annoy me, so I'll have to do something about them now!



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After trying and trying and trying, using nearly 12 of the swabs I finally removed the spots.


Perhaps there was never any spots after the first swab application. The problem could have been the method used for measuring the spots. I read one of those articles on the internet an approved method for investigating for spots. The method was to put a clean white paper in front of a light bulb and take a photo using like F20 or F22. I think the spots I was seeing were on the paper.... He he he he


Then I read a more comprehensive article and it recommended to aim at a clear blue sky with F20 or F22 and then bring the photo to photoshop and apply the automatic adjustments and look for spots. On the second method I never saw anymore spots.


Reality, I have seen no more spots on my photos. They look very clean under a lot of different F stops and different degrees of light. It seems that I may be cured of the dust bunnies.


On the other hand, I am now noticing this "Back and Front Focus" problem. Example, I take a photo of my son. The eyes and nose are on perfect focus but the ears are out of focus. This is using the lense that comes with the camera on the apertured control method using a small aperture. There is a lot of internet articles about this problem. I will keep researching on this.


Good luck with cleaning the lense. The method I like the most is the one with the disposable swabs and the liquid. I think the liquid is called Eclipse. The sensor brush is to cumbersome. It is a mess to keep the brush clean.


Good Luck


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Thanks for the quick response! As it is the swabs and eclipse cleaning fluid I've ordered, I breathe easier! Taking test images after might be trickier- blue sky is a rare commodity in Mid Wales in February!

Don't know about the focussing thing - I have the 24-85 Nikon lens, rather than the standard 17-55 (I think) and it seems very good, though no doubt I'll notice gremlins with this after you mention it!



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Just cleaned the sensor using the swabs and Eclipse cleaning fluid (someone is on to a good deal making the swabs - by a heap of glue application sticks and tie bits of pec-pads over the end and sell for 100 times the price!) - makes a big difference - I hadn't realised quite how dirty the sensor had got! We even had some blue sky for me to test it on......

Thanks to everyone for the various tips, feedback and suchlike - it gave me the confidence to go poking about in delicate components - most of the engineering I'm used to is made from 1/4" plate and needs a sledge hammer to adjust it, so I'm a bit nervous about cameras and the like!

Thanks again


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  • 2 months later...

First of all, i did not read the entire thread, so sorry if im stating something that has already been said. But included with your d70 there is nikon capture 4 on a disc. You can use that program to automatically erase dust off pictures according to your reference dust picture. Downside is that its a 30day trial version, but it must also be possible to do using photoshop and some clone/healing techniques. I must say id wait a while before cleaning my d70 cause however carefull you are it still has risks with it. Though eventually it probably be a necessity and sending it to a repair centre isnt an option in mho.

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I had some bad spots on my photos. After I cleaned the sensor the spots disappeared. They were the kind you couldn't clean via software. You actually had to clean the sensor. It was not difficult. Just have to be carefull.




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