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Discreet rained on our parade :(

John Dollus

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What!! and leave the CGarchitect event. :(:confused: I could be wrong but I think that the Discreet event is more of a marketing demo than a party. That was my impression anyway. I was at the Discreet party about two years ago and it was by invite only and seemed to have much more cache. Much like the Blur, Disney and Digital Domain parties I have been to. It definetly was not a general annoucement party.

Let me know though. I'll be at the Del Rio till the end...somebody has to pay the bill biggrin2.gif


BTW, as of today the list of RSVPs is at 80 and the crew from SplutterFish is coming too. Will be great to finally meet everyone.

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Yeah, I think you're right. The CGA gathering will be much more important I think. I have all week to hear how Discreet will improve my life ;)

80 people is quite a turn out! A couple years ago, we had a birds-of-a-feather gathering during SIGGRAPH for Lightscape/Max users and only had about 25 people. Is the location big enough to accomodate such a crowd?

I will be bringing three others from our office with me, but only one other one who uses lightscape and another that has vowed to avoid MAX at all costs ;)


John D

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listen guys, dont let the buggers at Discreet dampen the enthusiasm, of course the CGArchitect meet is of much more importance.


just because some of us poor Europeans cant be there in body, we'll definately be there in spirit. dont let the side down boys:)


btw Jeff, be sure to take your digi camera and give us all a top review! (if you stay sober long enough that is, or you dont waste all your shots on the babes!)


just wish i could go

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Hey guys,


John I wonder if we have met then, becuase I've been to every Lightscape gathering since '96. Hell I organised the last two. ;) Where was it? New Orleans? Three more huh...well I guess that makes it 83!


No worries about space I booked a room big enough for 130, so it should be ok. The room is 36 x 36.


And not to worry, all of you European CG guys will get your fix. I'll be posting images daily on the site from the show the party and eveywhere else.


Oh yeah a bit of a teaser for what you get at the event:


- Free SIGGRAPH CGarchitect T-Shirt

- Chance to win door prizes from Marlin Studios and Digimation (still confirming the last one)

- Two free drink tickets (cash bar after that)

- Apetisers:


- Imported and Domestic Cheeses with sesonal Sliced friuts with sliced French bread and assorted flat breads

- Tri-Colored Tostadas with Salsa

- Brie Grape and crumbled Pecan on Country Bread

- Roast Filit of beef with Green Pepercorn sause

- Assorted Quesadilles (Barbeque, Chicken andJack Cheese, Grilled Vegetables and Peper Jack Cheese, and Bef Fajitas and Oxaca)

- Freshly brewed Cofee and Iced Tea


And most importantly the chance to meet and party it up with people in the architecural CG industry. biggrin2.gif:)biggrin2.gifbiggrin2.gif


13 days and counting.

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Wow, what a spread you have planned! The last Siggraph I went to was 1999 in L.A.. I was so disappointed in the exhibition and spent so much $ in CA, that I thought I would take a couple years off. I have signed up for the full conference this year and my schedule is full with courses and things so I intend to make the most of it. There is a great class on photons on Tues.

Really looking forward to meeting many people from here.


John D

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