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A death sentence


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I've been using MAX for about 6 years for modeling and rendering. Since I have my personal lisence of MAX I have been using that but so that I can start teaching other people in our office visualization, the have decided from now on all of our renderings will be in VIZ Render so that everyone can have access to them. I feel like I've just been sentenced to death.


I've spent all morning working on trying to set things up and nothing is the same. I freakn' hate the material set up too. I've also found that a lot of the libraries I have created arn't compatible so I'm having to start from scratch. Since VIZ Render doesn't have modeling capabilities, We will be using aec objects for everything. (I'm assuming) Which brings me to my question....


Now that I'm using AutoCAD for my modeling now. Should I invest the time to make AEC objects (that takes forever for detail) or should I just start modeling everything like the old days. I know that a lot of people on this forum like Strat do all of their modeling in AutoCAD and I could really use some help with this. I know it's not the end of the world but It's like I'm completely starting over.... with a handicap.




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  cullen said:
the thought has crossed my mind... probably won't happen though


isnt There some links to ADT here at cgarchitect.com ??




here is a link to ADT newsgroup at autodesk,=.com




VIZ Render






damn so sorry about That

what were They Thinking (or smoking) ??


also the VIZdepot.com




hope you get Thru This, threaten to go on to long Term disability







i am not afraid of heights, i just would like to jump, just once

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Wasn't the Viz Renderer just intended as a tease? A 'hey, look what this can do' but you really need to buy Viz or Max to do anything well. This was the conclusion at the last place I was working (I didn't use it, although a guy using ADT did and basically gave up, and he knew Viz).


I'd tell whomever is in charge of oking the purchases that it's not really a full piece of software, just a preview. If you'd want to do it all, you'd have to buy Viz.


Could be wrong, though.

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The thing that really gets me is they really push for speed. I hope that they see after this that they should just buy a couple seats of MAX or VIZ.


I've done architecture in AEC for about a year but I've always just put in a basic door and drawn over it in 2d for the elevations. I'm going to give that a shot and then just extrued the detail. I understand were they are coming from on wanting other people in the office to be able to work on them too, but when you used to VIZ or MAX you feel like you can't do anything....


Thanks for the links Randy. I'm going to be looking around quite a bit rebuilding libraries and such. Thanks for the help.

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Here are some things you can show them:


VIZr has nothing to do with "speed" as you say they want. It is incredibly slow in linking ADT files and rendering. Load a trial copy of VIZ 2005 and link/render the exact same model. This should illustrate how much time you and others will be wasting.


If money is an issue, then look into buying network licenses of VIZ--that way, everyone can have it loaded on their desktops, but it just can't be run by everyone at the same time. Depending on the size of a firm, most projects aren't in need of renderings on a frequent basis anyway.


Stand-alone versions also have the portable license utility so that an active license can be moved around the office (not convenient, but it works).


Good luck.



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Thanks Angelo,

Yeah I'm going to be pushing as hard as I can on in this. In MAX, I usually turn a house around in a day (rendering at night) I think they are going to be pretty supprised when they see the time difference. The other thing is all of the landscape objecst that I use in the models will have to be redone. Tried exporting them to a .3ds but they don't look right for some reason.


I think they will eventually get me a seat of VIZ. I just have to show them that VIZ Render is totally not worth it.


The more that I'm sitting here with this thing the more its making me mad. I definately agree with markus that this thing is just a tease....

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So I've been messing with this thing for about a week and have decided that I hate it more than anything. I've alway avoided photometric lights cause of the time required to get your solutions and all. Now I have to use them cause thats the only thing that VIZ R has.


We start our 1st project using it tomorrow morning. Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it.....

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If not thats a pretty good explination of it. Another thing for everyone that is used to max or viz, in viz render for you to apply a material it has to have it's own style associated with it in ADT. If it doesn't, everything with that style will change materials.

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