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2005 Architectural Visualization Competition - Top 30 Competitors Announced!

Jeff Mottle

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Congratulations to our top 30 finalists who have been selected by our panel of industry judges. Over the next 5 months these top 30 individuals will be compete in 5 challenges with the winner being crowned at the 2005 CGarchitect.com SIGGRAPH Party at SIGGRAPH in Los Angeles.


To view the finalists click here: http://www.cgarchitect.com/challenge/2005challenge/contestants.asp


The first challenge has also been launched and is open to all of the contestants:


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Definitely the dramatic impact of the views and subjects and the need to have selected artists that have different styles (to spice the competition up) played a primary role in the selection. I'm not sad at all I wasn't selected as I see about five of those selected had mediocre renderings and still made the cut, but their views were dramatic (3 pointed prespectives or weird architecture) so it's definitely more artistic than real world production.

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Well done everybody!


I am about to browse the winning visuals with relish, but one thing struck me, Jeff...surely some of those silhouttes should be female?


I am assuming Alicja Bula, Eunice Lee and Sabine Pouget are women, for starters.


And there may be more..


As there does appear to be a paucity of women on this board, would it not be good to acknowledge those who are here in general, and competition winners in particular?



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  ihabkal said:
(3 pointed prespectives or weird architecture) so it's definitely more artistic than real world production.


couldn't agree more. While a big majority of qualified artists showed great skill and amazing renderings, it should be fair to say they were all created under different circumstances and purposes.

Not all CG Arch. Vizualization should be put in the same bag. At least half of the winning images were produced without time-pressure and rigid Client's requirements (sitting behind the 3D artist, breathing down their necks). Some took a few days, others weeks, perhaps months to complete.

Entry criteria therefore shouldn't only be limited to modelling, texturing, lighting, composition, impact, etc but also to real world production / hobby, time deadline / unlimited time....for a majority of participating 3D artists (including myself), that's a daily reality which is heavily reflected in their output.


Something to consider for AVC 2006....



congrats to all winners though, outstanding work!!





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  Beno said:

Entry criteria therefore shouldn't only be limited to modelling, texturing, lighting, composition, impact, etc but also to real world production / hobby, time deadline / unlimited time....for a majority of participating 3D artists (including myself), that's a daily reality which is heavily reflected in their output.


I disagree. Some of the best CG work I have seen was done for clients under deadline with all of the same pressures that most of experience. Companies like Artmaze, Smoothe, Hayes Davidson, AMD, Neoscape all output amazing pieces and are some of the best in the industry. One thing to note, that while they might be large companies, much of the finishing work and core of the imagery is usually done by one person.

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To Jeff and all the finalist....CONGRATS!!!


I will keep tabs on all WIP and final images of challenges, hope to learn more on my craft. I think that this AVC 2005 is going to get even bigger as times procedes.


Congratulations again to all, and thinking about AVC 2006.....

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congratulations to all in special this who are regular users in this forum

(ALICJA BULA (Alicja),BRIAN CASSIL (Brian Cassil) ,MARC GRUBER-LAUX (kunstraum.tv), JOHN VOLTAIRE M. GARCIA (voltaire ira),TIM NELSON (Tim Nelson),CHEN QINGFENG (cqfcqf))

i hope be there next year.

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