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Network rendering halts 1 hour


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Hey everyone,


I have the following problem:


WIN XP pro SP2

VIZ2005 (SP1 I think)

backburn rendering



When I submit a render job, every computer receives the job and starts rendering, but half way the rendering of an image every computer hangs for about 1 to 2 hours. Every next frames the computer renders are rendered much faster, lets say in about 15 to 20 minutes. Is this some sort of bug or some settings I missed??


Thanks for replying....



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i am on max, but i assume it is the same.


not sure this is it..... when you click render with network render enabled, the 'advanced settings' dialog comes up. the top box in that dialog is 'per job timeouts.' i can't remember what it was set to by defaul, but i think it around 60 minutes. up this if it is, and see if that takes care of the problem. i have mine set to 800 minutes.


not sure why the next frame would render faster though, so maybe this was not the problem.

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Yes, I use alot of RPC's in my scene, but this only adds about 20 secs or 30 secs per frame. But it could be the massive load of textures it has to do before rendering a frame. But the funny thing is that the first frame renders for about half the frame, and THEN halts for about an hour....

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