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Assigning Materials in Viz Question


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Hello everyone. I'm a long time lurker and first time poster. Right now I am actually learning VIZ 2005 (in addition to ADT) so please forgive me if my question is absolutely stupid. Here what is happening:


First off, I created a model in ADT (AutoCAD Desktop) and then linked it to VIZ. I went to assign a wall material and instead of only assigning the material to the wall (editable mesh) that I had selected, it assigned it to all walls in the model. I think that it is doing this because when the walls were created in ADT they were all created using the same wall style. My question is how I can override this so that I can assign different materials to different walls? Are these objects automatically linked somehow in VIZ when they’re imported from ADT?


Thank you in advance for your expert guidance!


Nick Ladd

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if you imported the dwg/dxf in max with all walls attached or grouped, you have to break it apart. When attached, you have to assign material ID's to each part you want your materials on. When the walls are just grouped, you have to open up or ungroup them (group > ungroup or open) and your set. Both requires some searching for the right solution, but one of them works for sure and is the most easy way to solve your probs. Of course there are other solutions but for now just do (1) Attached: assign material ID's or (2) Grouped: ungroup or open up.


Good luck and if you're stuck just shoot...

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uncheck propagate material to instances and that will solve the problem.


Did the trick! I can't believe I couldn't figure that out...sure is nice of you guys to help a newbie.




Nick Ladd

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