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This is a bit of a strange project. The assignment is to make an AI that gives a sense of mobility for a poster and flyer. Any idea's about how i can make it look more dynamic would be much appriciated. I also have to find something to fill up the empty field on the left.


P.S. the architecture can be changed!

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i am not sure what an AI is.


have you tried different views? i might like a view down on the bike path. one that shows an intimate biking/walking path that is well landscapes, and gives views to the river. emphasize that you are taking advantage of the river front, to give a peaceful experience that works in conjuction with the whiz whiz futuristic bridges you have flying around. a transportation system that works and is effecient is vtial, but it is not very friendly. i feel that the image pushes the speed at with which people move from one place to another. the mall, work, more work, ect.. a more human level where the speed is more quaint working in conjuction with the mass transit, but the mass transit works as a extension and in conjunction with daiuly life, but not as the main theme of daily life.

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