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Radiosity Leaking


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Hi all


Can any one tell me a way to stop the radiosity leaking past an object.


ive attached a very qiuck image of what i mean, i have this coffer going around a room with fluorescent tube inside, but the light leaks through.


I know why this happens, because of the radiosity mesh on the wall is passing through the object. is there any way of stopping this without having edit the walls mesh to make the coffer, or is that the best way? we keep changing the designs alot and trying to find easier ways.


any help would be appricated.





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Hi there, is the shelf extruded from the wall, as a same mesh, or is it a separate object?

Are they intersecting at all? What size is your meshing and regathering?

I've seen leaks before, but this one is way huge...

Could U post .max file, maybe?


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vertexART is dead on with his questions.


The "cove" 'technically should perfectly intersect the wall. Specifically edges must be in place in both the wall and "cove" objects. Those edges must be coplaner to absolutely stop shadow leaks. (large radiosity meshing is still effected by geometry that is less that the rad mesh size) The other alternative is to increase the radiosity meshing size to like 1" on the wall. The quick solution is to slice the wall 2x, move the edges into the volume of the Cove, and delete the covered/hidden faces, not perfect but functional



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Hi Vertex art, WDA,


This coffer is a seperate object to the wall, the coffer object isn't intersecting but is autogrided to the wall, i've tried this loads of times where the lighting is very close to an edge like this and this always happens.


i usually have a standard of about 150mm-250mm mesh setting. i don't really want to get any smaller, as of the Processing time.


the only ways around it without modeling the coffer as a part of the wall i guess is what WDA is saying by slicing up the wall is the quickest way, which ive done anyway.


Cheers for the help



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Well if slicing doesn't work, you should make the mesh sizing smaller. Left hand wall in illustration has an object specific mesh spacing of 3" or about 6-7cm, the scene has 1' or about 30cm. (metric conversion is real rough sorry)


A couple of questions, just to make sure......

Shadows on? Raytraced or higher res shadow map/both with low or absolute bias?


A true light box for the tray, ie a shell with normals pointing out away form solid interior volume, and or a 2 sided material

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