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GMail just increased account size to 2050MB?!!

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yeah ,still counting....I like that counter.


BTW I am not sure about privacy,it seems all your mails will be used to study you and your behavioural sets,which will be sold to marketing companies,Hotmail on the other hand doesnot do it....We assume that.But if that's the case use hotmail for very private things and gmail for general things????!!!!

Any idea on what storage device they use,must be huge farms,arrays

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Not true. They display ads based on keywords found in your e-mails. There's no user tracking on it. If you have questions, just read http://gmail.google.com/gmail/help/privacy.html


Hotmail displays ads on my MSN Messenger window based on my profile and zip code, and that's more annoying to me than what gmail does. I hate that "feature" in MSN.


Anyway, I'm happy to be able to have seen this in my gmail today: "You are currently using 146 MB (7%) of your 2052 MB.". I just wish they would allow more than 10M attachments per e-mail.

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All i can say is that ive had gmail for about 3 months now, and have not received a single spam mail....


I kept my old hotmail and the only mail i get is about porn,viagra, mortage solutions,hair loss, weight loss, and so on....all i do with it now is erase the junk mail!


Long live Gmail!

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  • 2 weeks later...

You have to be invited by another gmail tester, Sawyer.


It has a very nice mail-interface clear and very google-ish, a desktop-notifier and loads fast as well. A big plus is that the louche & amateuristic aura, that hangs around a hotmail account, is not the case with gmail. They are improving and extending the services every day so let's see where this ends before they get really started and open it for everybody. It will be the run of the year to get an account so if you're invited, make sure you nail down 50 great addresses (or aliases). Sent me your mailaddress and I'll invite you to gmail...



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