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Cross Roof...


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Hallo to everyone...


I'm trying to improve my modeling skills in max... but sometimes I feel so dumb.. :(


How can I model this roof without booleans? This roof is going to drive me crazy... and I'm very close to give up...


Any clues?





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I think a way to model that roof is by starting with a 2D-shape and then extrude it. Once you have that you can model a large volume to cover the beams.


In other words... start by drawing lines (shapes) with the shape of the grid. Then extrude it with an extrude modifier.

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Yep, thats how I would do it too. Look in the included a max file.


1- Draw 2D shapes

2- Extrude (without thickness)

3- Select all the Polygons

4- Inset (fill in amount) - Inset Type= By Polygon

5- Keep the polygons selected and extrude

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Hi to all,


Thanks to Paulo and Poco for the fast reply :-) this forum doesn't stop to surprise me...


But I have one more question... after I completed the polymodeling of the roof(and perhaps I was able even without your more specific suggestion)... how can I incline it without making disasters with the vertexs?


That really bothers me... I don't know what modifier use... If I try to use the FFd modifier.. I always have curved surfaces...


There's something obvious (and fundamental) that I've missed?


Thanks again to your patience...



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HEy !.. crazy ! you know that this house was a set of the movie The Big Lebowski... do you have any information about this place ? that's funny because i wanted actually to model this place a while ago but never started, just tryed to collect still/references from the movie... really like this 70's style.


what's your demarch for this place ?

good luck with the roof !




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Ciao Dennis...


To be onest I was hoping for an answer from you :-)


Wow! The Lattice modifier is something I was not considering...


I also was starting to think to the patch grid (in order to avoid compositing the triangles...) but your tutorial has surpassed my whishes and avoided several efforts :-)


Now I'm starting to do it.. I'll post when done...





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Hi Oliver!


Yes, I know that this place is very famous!


Is the Goldstein Residence, designed by John Lautner...


I love his projects...strict geometry but also organic... wonderful

I have some (little) spare time and I'm trying to model the Goldstein Residence to impove my modeling and rendering skills...


I found lot of material on this house... tell me what you are looking for :-)

I'm collecting material on this house (and other Lautner projects) since two weeks...







Good luck for the competition, I loved your work!

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Hallo Olivier..


For you and others that like Lautner's work the principal source is the

Lautner fountation




There you can find some info, some photo and some drawings...not a lot of stuff, but lots of link...


There are some good book on Lautner's work, but I've foud that the best book (with details and drawing plans) is actually out of print...

If someone knows how to order it... let me know!

The book is

"John Lautner, Architect" by Frank Escher


an other good book (but no drawing plans, in according to what the reviews say...) is

"The Architecture of John Lautner" by Alan Hess


Also GA Houses (Global architecture) handled some Lautner's work in

GA 44 houses _ GA houses 46


But , more of all, I found LOTS of photo of Lautner's works in some hollywood location service site :)

Probably they don't think that 3d architects are more demanding than film-maker :)


I don't rember all the sites that I visited, but if you want, I can make a selection of the photo and mail to you...


Hey, that's a long post...

Tomorrow I hope to have the time to finish the roof!!




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:eek: WOA ! that's great ! big thanks ! ;)


great thought for the hollywood location service site !.. might have tones of greats interiors / space !


thanks again, and good luck for the roof ( btw, this roof is not just flat rotated surface ?.. just extrude and rotate ?? ) .. curious to see your rendering !




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I GOT it!


:) I want to thank all of you for your great help...


At the end I did't use the lattice modifier because it rotated some edge ...and I didn't find why....

I used a tripatch with editpoly and inset...


This is a render test of the actual model (looooot of things to do, but very little spare time...)


I will post the next progress in the wip section!! (well... I hope soon)


Thanks again



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you've combined two techniques to get things sorted, that's pretty inventive. The wip is looking very promising so I'll stick with this topic untill there's a crisp 'n clean render of your Lautner (inspired) project.


J. Lautner was a fabulous architect/conceptual artist and a source of inspiration and leadership for lots of others in the field. A proof of his creativity can be found in the fact that his concepts are timeless. If on of his architectural designs from back in the 50's would be build today, criticists would name his work as 'refreshing' if you know what I mean and just that makes his work outstanding. He really did illustrate the definition of design!


Good luck Gabriella,


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  • 2 weeks later...
  Gabriella_A said:
I GOT it!


:) I want to thank all of you for your great help...


At the end I did't use the lattice modifier because it rotated some edge ...and I didn't find why....

I used a tripatch with editpoly and inset...


This is a render test of the actual model (looooot of things to do, but very little spare time...)


I will post the next progress in the wip section!! (well... I hope soon)


Thanks again




Great work Gabriella!


I'm not really related here, but I was just droping in to tell you that I maintain a links page on the work of John Lautner.


If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know, I own just about every book & movie featuring Lautner's work...



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