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I was contacted by company that wants me to give them money. If I give them money I get my name in a publication that goes out to the game companies. Its a catalogue of artist. I was told I would do great at creating gaming environs.


Anyone looked into this. It was great to have my ego stroked (but I would be paying her) is it really feasable to do game worlds if you have almost no game optimization knowledge?



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Did you run a test for reliability of them? I'm not very into the culti gaming scene but yes, there must be good money to earn when you're settled as a 3D artist who does environments 'on the fly'.


One thing bothers me in your post and that is that you have to pay them. I think that if an established game-design company wants you to work for them, they'll find you no matter what. They don't hire a publisher to do the HRM. In my opinion they know exactely where to search for a great designer. So what this is? They've made you a proposition and a solution for making a good buck as a game-designer, but you have to put a certain amount of cash on the table. Sounds like an old-school marketingtrick, nothing more nothing less.


Be carefull with those publishers,



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Sounds like those publishing houses that publish the unpublished. You pay them to put your writing in their book so everyone can see your writing. Unfortunately, only those who payed to get into the book (and then shelled out extra money to buy a copy) are the only ones who ever see the book.


In my experience you should never pay to get your work out. Good head hunters are payed by the companies that are hiring to find talent that fits their specific needs. If your work is outstanding then you need to put together a great portfolio and/or demo reel and start sending it to the companies you would like to work for. Do your research -- so you know who exactly is doing the hiring (art director, program manager, etc) and send it to them. Sometimes they may route it back to HR, but hopefully they will look at it first.


Good Luck,


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Yes its a marketing book. Its a collection of artist that work for games and toy companies. Could it be a scam? Sure but it's pretty well put together.

http://www.serbin.com that is the company that is doing it. They found me from Expose 1.


My radar is not off on that what set me to wondering is if I or any of us could as cga professionals go and work on a game pipeline.

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Check them out- get from them and you yourself find people who you can get hold of past and current customers. Ask them the hard questions, did you benefit, was it worth the money........? Check out thier work specific to thier market yadayada make your own 'advised' judgement.


The telemarketers and net marketers are real good at finding out about 'you' and using that to make you feel very special-ie get you loosened up to close the sale. Ask questions, call them back the next day ask questions, but you need to think on your feet to catch the slime, they are quite slippery. Because I live in wisconsin I get all the rough and tumble deer hunter oriented approaches, LOL I can see that a mile away and even better so can they real quick...end of sale ;).




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Don't trust them at all. They are praying on people that think they can get into the game industry, which is a lot of people, mostly young and unknowing. I know a lot of people in the game industry and VFX industry, and nobody hires people from a book. While there are legit CG agents (that take 10% of your salary), I find that word or mouth, and knowing people on the inside is generally the best way to go.


This is not to say that their book is not legit, it is just that you have just as much chance of getting a job now without doing a thing.


BTW... the game industry does not pay that well, especially beginners...

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Serbin is not a scam. But otherwise, Chris is right. They have been calling me for many years and I've never been tempted to 'advertize' with them. Chris is also right that the only real way to get into an industry is to start to meet people, read what they read, see who's doing what, etc.


One of my best friends is a renderer who called me up one day and said he wanted to get into rendering. Could he come by my studio to meet me, see what I do? He did, and I've watched him go from rank beginner status, working his way up to being a full collegue, even a partner of mine on some projects.


Do you really want to get into game design?

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No I really had no intention of doing this the $ figure is way way way over my head. It was something I had never thought about and they made it seem possible. That raised the flag for me but I wanted more feedback. I have never thought of gaming but environments would be fun as opposed to single buildings. Basically they seemed legit but promised too much to appear real.

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