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Ok, I am looking for an architect...

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It would be a plus if he has experience with putting good contracts together, proposals, schedules, and has a good understanding of the business of architecture. Sometimes when you're an architect you have to delegate work and be good at micromanagement, since there's alot of things going parallel, and scheduling and management is a plus.


I'm assuming you're hiring an architect for what purpose?

What is the position he will be getting in your company? And what will be his tasks or what will he be in charge for?


Greg Lacle

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Take a look at http://www.archinect.com and the AIA Dallas information. You should be able to find someone capable. Sounds like you want someone to run the show? If that's the case, make sure they have experience delegating that kind of authority and the hiring. You'll just have to interview a lot of people to find the right fit, most likely.

It will be difficult to find someone that can manage, hire, run things, and do 3D. Most architects focus on moving up, and that rarely includes 3D.

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yes in that case, he would need to be proficient in business management, contracts, and scheduling.


These type of architects are scarce, since most of them, is either they have taken a business major or management major as well, or they have learned it from experience. (the latter applies to me)


I know a few of them, that are principal at a few firm, and the only way they would logical consider, if your firm has something better to offer.


Let me know the detaild and I could ask a few of my associates if they would be interested.




Greg Lacle

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Maybe I really don't know what you are looking for - from what I gather you are saying you are asking for a lot. You want someone who has no hand in the design so no say in the decisions that are made but who will be legally bound to these drawings and the buildings. This will be the person (the person who has signed the drawings) who will be sued if anything happens but they have had little input over design?


Is this what you are looking for?

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