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ADT objects in 3D Max


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I have read that there is full support for in 3D Max 7 for ADT objects yet there are some objects that just come thru as a spline. Whole walls have disappeared, windows, & furniture. I tried doing it with the FIle Manager opt. but it has not worked. Any ideas?



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I use both ADT 2005 and MAX 7.0 as well as Viz 2005 and have never come across any problems regarding missing meshes when linking. If you do, try to relink and reload, then go to the advanced tab and select - selective reload and choose linked objects and select what you want to link. Hopefully this will work for you. If all fails, when you installed ADT it should've come bundled with Viz Render.......link to Viz Render, save and open the viz file in Max. Unfortuately this way you will not be able to relink if you decide to add more objects in ADT unless you do the whole process of linking to viz render then save then open in Max again. But then Alex above probably knows better than I seeing he is a software quality engineer with Discreet. This is just an idea from me. Good Luck my friend.

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Hi James,


The reason why you don't see problems is because you have ADT installed. If you didn't, and needed to open a file created with ADT, you'd need the enablers.

Object Enablers are nothing more than translators for the custom objects - same happens when a user needs to open an ADT/ABD/MDT/LDT file in AutoCAD, he needs the enablers.

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