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Smoothing .dwg models in 3DVIZ


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I am trying to import 3D models from Autocad, which have in turn been imported from 12D, and put them into Viz 2005. The problem is that they are faceted and do not smooth, either through autosmooth or the meshsmooth modifier. In fact the meshsmooth modifier doesn't even seem to work properly.

The model is a large piece of terrain with a rail line running through it. All of the polygons are faceted and cannot be blended into one another, around the rail line itself there are alot of polygons representing a change in height and it looks terrible.

I have found a few suggestions on the forums such as altering the surface deviation when I import the dwg file, or a command in Autocad which I can't think of right now, but nothing works.

I am aware that this topic has been covered before, but I cannot seem to find the 'master topic' through the search funtion.

Any hints on how to smooth out my model would be appreciated.

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Sounds like the verticies need to be welded together. Make sure the Weld box is checked when you import into VIZ. Or, while in VIZ go into sub object vertex mode for the terrain, select all, then weld selected. Try a smoothing modifier after that.

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Well hot damn, your right!

If i use the Weld option when I import the dwg file, it turns it into a mess of cut polygons and missing detail, even with a very small weld threshold. But if I import it, then weld from the editable polygon menu, it works perfectly, and smooths great.

Some vertices, that should have been only one, were actually up to eight vertices stacked on top of each other!


Cheers tvc15 :)

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