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triming jpgs


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My wife sews nurse’s scrubs. I’m trying to put a web page together. I have taken a picture of the scrub and traced it in acad 2002 . I want to take pictures of all the different fabrics she uses and crop them using the outline I traced. I converted fabric images to jpg brought them into my dwg. and copied the outline over the image. To trim the image I tried modify/clip/image/new boundary/polygon. When I do this my outline disappears behind my image. How can I stop this from happening? Is there a diferent (easier) way to do this :confused:

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Autocad sounds like the last thing you would want to use for this type of work. If you have photoshop, you should just use that to crop the images.


But, if you are using autocad for some other reason, you can bring the outline back on top of the image by going to the pull-down menu 'tools' and then 'display order', then you can use 'send to back' or 'bring to front'. I think whatever object is moved, or modified last is always the one that is on top until you use that command to send it to the back.

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or just put the acad lines on the top layer.


Don't save as jpgs until the very end, as you'll be adding artifacts each time you save. Use TIFFs or Targas (I like TIFFs) for the archived image, and then go to Save for web and turn them into small files (jpgs) by compressing them.


If it's the same size you want, make a PSD the dimnesions you need, then drag each material into it, scale, move, etc., then do the Save for web from there. That way they'll all be the same size and you'll have one PSD with all the files in it.

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