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    United Arab Emirates

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  1. you mentioned you used vue, just curious what bit you did in vue or if you used vue xstream in max or did you import the max scene into vue? are you using mrsky or vue atmospheres?
  2. i dont think the trees would have to reflect on the floor, looks like they are far enough and low enough that they wouldnt cast a shadow on the floor, just the sky. nice job, i like it, A+
  3. looks great, even it it wasnt your first time! im not a vray person, and that may be intensional, but the ceiling and back wall seem kinda splotchy. other than that, maybe the lighting of yout kitchen doesnt match the lighting on the image outside, which seems kinda dark/overcast Also was everything modeled from scratch? nice amount of detail all around.
  4. kinda sad that the best method seems to be to eyeball it
  5. yeah i know that the roof tiles are too small, its just a PITA to fix those, anyways, the client approved the design, ill probably just make some final adjustments to the glass and something to break up the wall edge/floor condition, i am thinking maybe some mulch with small bushes/flowers. right now the sand is just 1 big plane, anyone know waht the best way would be to add the mulch to these areas and have it fade into the sand? I was thinking about using a blend material and using vertex colors, although i have never worked with vertex color, Any one have any suggestions to make this MSO with a blend/transition between mulch to sand?
  6. thanks for the tips macker, I will try these settings on my glass, as well as see what kind if dirt I could intoduce to break up the plainness of the walls, I added a bump map but maybe it is too subtle...
  7. Here is an updated rendering, Added a mrsky multiplier of 2, added clouds in Ps, I think it looks a little better, but still missing that photorealism... [ATTACH=CONFIG]37788[/ATTACH]
  8. I also am unable to edit my signature, i dont have that option under settings
  9. Thank you all for the comments. Generally speaking, i need to add more maps to my materials. @ilija i tried the settings you recomended as far as adding GI goes, i really couldnt see a notable difference. I am still experimenting on the glass material. I think part of the problem is that i was using the AEC Extended windows and doors, I am doing some research on these, looks like they create unnessary geometries that may be causing some of the artifacts i was noticing. @mattclinch threw all the readings and tutorials i have seen, i believe that you are right about not needing to use GI with FG for exterior daylight scenes. I will increasing the sky output: When you say this are you refering to the multiplier (default 1) in the Mr Sky Parameters rollout? If not please let me know which setting you are refering to. Now about the filter, are you refering to the Sampling quality filter? I use the default box with 1/1, which filter do you use?If this isnt the filter setting you refering to please let me know which is the one your refering to. I will post updated renderings soon.
  10. Studio/Institution: BC EC Genre: Commercial Exterior Software: 3ds max 2011 Description: Hi all, i would like some help on increasing the realism of my renderings, i am using mental ray, with final gather (no GI), mr sun, mr sky. i also am unable to make the glass more mirror like, and less transparent, i am usign the default AD thin glass thanks.
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