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  1. Yes. Basically save as a lower version *.skp version 7 or 8 and import it. I've not had any issues like Francisco mentioned but that's probably because of how I do the export. I try not to export everything at once. So my model's grouped into something like this; Building, Site, Interior Objects..... e.t.c. (mind you each group still has groups within). So for example, before I import the file, I'd have hidden all the other groups except the building, save then import (As you know, the options in max allow you to ignore hidden geometries when importing). When this comes in, it'll be split into individual groups and components but that's fine. I quickly go over them selecting instances and reapplying wire colours to similar objects, when done I group all of that as one; in this case "building". And repeat the process till everything's come in. Usually one of the import's will come in with the cameras as well then I disable for all the others. EDIT: This process also makes it easy to assign things to layers as I bring them in.
  2. I've done the same with sketchup....and quite easily once you download the [sU]ch plugin from sketchucation which is a free tool. You can then export your line passes, clay renders without really rendering into photoshop at whatever resolution you desire. Blur the line pass in photoshop for the ambient occlusion effect and you're done.
  3. Hi Chris, I do not agree you have to remodel at least not in all cases. There are plugins within sketchup that aid the flipping of faces without having to do them manually, and delete overlapping faces though I find that sometimes comes with an error but one I'm happy to live with since it saves the trouble of having to find them all. Here's what you need. All free on sketchucation or simply download from the extension manager in program. Tested and working perfectly. -Automatic Face Reverser -Clean up -Fix it For smoothing, go with the "JHS_power bar". Has some nice tools of which the ams plugin is one. Try its settings and find what works for you best on the model. When I go from sketchup to max, it's always as if the model was done in max. Cheers.
  4. No offense intended and Sandoval's said it all. The problem wouldn't be from you, it'd be from the client. It's just bloody hard to accept a claim for such a figure with those kind of images. I'd automatically think there was something He wasn't saying and try to find out more.
  5. To say I'm shocked at the images would be an understatement. These aren't even drafts...hell, I don't know what to call them. Sure there isn't more to this story friend?
  6. Interesting thread. I'm also a core sketchup user. I use sketchup for all of my modelling unless i really need to do parametric type stuff. Max is basically for renders however I think archviz gets boring after a while and you may want to try other angles thus the only thing making me consider max for modelling. For architectural visualization however and speed, I just think sketchup is the best there is but thats my opinion anyways. I used to export as *.3ds in the past but it has a maximum limit and will split your faces. Then curves could be hell unless you use welding vertices and this just triangulates your mesh in "so not nice" ways. I changed to *.skp and its been bliss so far. Infact max recognizes your component system so once I'm in, I can organize and color code things easily using Neil's Soulburn scripts. Like Mark, most texturing is done in sketchup as well.
  7. I was going to the same. This still happens to be the most popular standard regarding architectural visualization today. No. Most of them are usually just absurd critics. I tend to tag such people as psychos.
  8. Did the same but together with Forest pro then 3 evermotion collections. Pretty happy with my buys.
  9. Add paths for downloaded libraries into max so textures load up whenever merged. Head to customise, user paths and add the textures path. Its a lot easier to do this just once and load directly from that set than having to merge from a scene where you've included a few.
  10. I prefer importing now as well as skp especially as imported round objects maintain their roundness, and components still maintain their properties. Working with just materials proves a bit of a trouble as a component could have different materials, so then what do you do? I find it easier to use the renamer plugin in sketcuhup, rename objects and groups on the fly, and when importing into max, use that naming convention to select objects and then group them. A good tool will also be the "select instances" script from Neil Blevins "SoulBurn Pack"
  11. ludnid

    Scene clean up

    None that i know of, you've got to open your scene and delete these things manually. If you've got a habit of naming things though, saves you a lot of trouble. Ever since I started using the quickselect and rename tool in max, doing this is a breeze.
  12. Not just that, they still look so plastic and in most cases "overly solid" than their environments. 2d people is still the way to go to reach the uncanny valley.
  13. OK, just wanted to be sure you weren't working on a system with low specs and expecting good render-times. Juraj's said it all, why use emissive materials to light a scene? Create vray lights where you've got your lights or use a sphere. There isn't any vray 3 for sketchup. Its just 2.0 but it comes with presets, try selecting the interior preset without tweaking anything unless you really understand what it does. A good note will be the tips that come up when you hover your mouse over some of the options. Otherwise you can head over to spot3d and read more on some of the vray settings.
  14. 500 subdivisions is way too much for anything in my opinion. That floor material can work with 128 or 256 max. Actually i hardly ever go beyond 128 when i render in sketchup. If you have your materials set up with such huge subdivisions then your rendertimes are bound to be high. But first, what are the specs of your current system?
  15. Or even better, create a textures folder and search those max files for images using file extensions *.jpg, *.png bla bla. Cut all of them to your new folder and simply add that user path in 3dsmax. I find if the textures have the same name especially if they're free assets, its probably the same. These things go around. I only add new paths from specific libraries thereafter else one textures folder satisfies the free assets.
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