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  1. The Development Lab of Inglobe Technologies announces the release of the AR-media Augmented Reality Plugin for Autodesk Maya. The software includes interesting features that make it suitable for the creation of high quality Augmented Reality content. Besides increasing creative possibilities, the new features enhance designer's control over Augmented Reality workflow and visualization. Features include: - Multiple Markers, Linked Markers and Marker Generator - Exporter for the AR-media Player (standalone Mac OS X/Windows and iOS) - Video objects including support for chroma-keying - Audio Objects and Soundtracks - "Occluders" Objects - Customizable Interactions - Layers Management - Realtime Shadows - Realtime Clipping/Sectioning - Realtime Animations - Diffuse, Opacity, Reflection and Emissive/Self-Illumination maps support According to Graziano Terenzi, CEO at Inglobe Technologies, “We have created the AR-media plugin for Maya with one goal in mind: to let people create high-quality AR content rapidly and without programming skills. It is clear then why the release of the new plugins not only marks an important milestone in the development of Inglobe’s AR-media platform, but it also marks another important step toward those who use these 3D modeling tools every day. I believe that the AR-media plugin features will impact positively on productivity/creativity of Maya users. Most of all I’m confident that thanks to the software many digital designers will approach the incredible world of Augmented Reality for the first time”. The AR-media Plugin 2.2 is available for Maya 2009 up to 2013. Besides the Professional Lite and Professional Editions, a free Trial and a Personal Learning Edition (PLE) are also available from Inglobe’s website. For more information, please visit our websiteand blog. [video=youtube;9a63op7Q-6I]
  2. The Development Lab of Inglobe Technologies announces the release of the AR-media Augmented Reality Plugin for Maxon Cinema4D. The software includes interesting features that make it suitable for the creation of high quality Augmented Reality content. Besides increasing creative possibilities, the new features enhance designer's control over Augmented Reality workflow and visualization. Features include: - Multiple Markers, Linked Markers and Marker Generator - Exporter for the AR-media Player (standalone Mac OS X/Windows and iOS) - Video objects including support for chroma-keying - Audio Objects and Soundtracks - "Occluders" Objects - Customizable Interactions - Layers Management - Realtime Shadows - Realtime Clipping/Sectioning - Realtime Animations - Diffuse, Opacity, Reflection and Emissive/Self-Illumination maps support According to Graziano Terenzi, CEO at Inglobe Technologies, “We have created the AR-media plugin for Maya and Cinema4D with one goal in mind: to let people create high-quality AR content rapidly and without programming skills. It is clear then why the release of the new plugins not only marks an important milestone in the development of Inglobe’s AR-media platform, but it also marks another important step toward those who use these 3D modeling tools every day. I believe that the AR-media plugin features will impact positively on productivity/creativity of Cinema4D users. Most of all I’m confident that thanks to the software many digital designers will approach the incredible world of Augmented Reality for the first time”. The AR-media Plugin 2.2 is available for Cinema4D R13. Besides the Professional Lite and Professional Editions, a free Trial and a Personal Learning Edition (PLE) are also available from Inglobe’s website. For more information, please visit our website and blog.
  3. The Development Lab of Inglobe Technolgies released today the AR-media Augmented Reality player for iOS. “ARMedia Player” is the first iOS application that allows users to interact with virtual models, created by means of the popular AR-media Plugins for 3ds Max, Google SketchUp and Vectorworks, directly in the real physical space using AR (Augmented Reality) technology. When aiming the device’s camera to the AR Marker, users can simulate the setup of their models in an unrestricted way and interact with their features no matter where they are. This way the models come to life letting users enjoy an immersive experience of the virtual models in their surroundings. The software is a general purpose player suitable for studying virtual prototypes of any kind in physical locations. In addition, it is a unique tool for presenting projects and ideas in many fields including Design, Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Education. The iOS ARplayer is available for iPad2, iPhones and iPod Touch. It can be freely downloaded from Apple’s App Store and, as it works in association with the latest update of AR-media Plugin Professional v2.2, it is offered for free to users who have already upgraded to v2.2 of the ARplugin. You can download the iOS ARPlayer now directly from Apple’s App Store: http://itunes.apple.com/app/armedia-player/id502524441 For more information please visit our website: http://www.inglobetechnologies.com/iosplayer Click for a sample video of the player in action. Best regards.
  4. Inglobe Technologies released today the new version 2.0 of the AR-media Augmented Reality Plugin for Autodesk 3ds Max and Google SketchUp. Thanks to AR-media™ Plugin v2.0 architecture, engineering, construction firms and professionals can now enjoy the potential of Augmented Reality technology by means of a plenty of new and useful features inside their preferred 3D modeling software. As it is widely recognized, AR-media Plugin’s Augmented Reality allows AEC professionals to visualize and study their 3D creations directly in the physical space that surrounds them through a suitable visualization interface. The new version of the software enhances and completely replaces the former ones by adding new and useful features that allow users to design complex and astonishing Augmented Reality scenes, and to manage a variety of parameters that are crucial in the workflow of every AR project. “The new version of the AR-media Plugin is conceived as an easy-to-use, practical and cost-effective tool for the creation of compelling Augmented Reality scenes in association with 3ds Max or SketchUp” declared Graziano Terenzi, CEO at Inglobe Technologies, “With this new version we wanted to provide AEC professionals as well as other users with a series of new high-level features that could enhance the degree of interactivity and immersivity of the software, while at the same time making it accessible to a growing number of people”. Among the new supported features we can mention the following: - a marker creation utility that allows the creation of custom augmented reality markers - support of multiple markers - the possibility to export independent augmented reality files that can be viewed with the free AR-media Player on any computer - an antialiasing filter that enhances the visual appearance of the 3D models But the most interesting novelties introduced in the new version of the software are the possibility to create “Occluder Objects” and the so called “Lighting Debug Mode”. What is an object occluder? In standard augmented reality applications, when a 3D model passes behind another object in the real world, it will always be displayed superimposed to the real object even if the latter should hide it in the observer’s view, thus creating a completely unrealistic effect. By introducing occluders objects with ARmedia Plugin 2.0 users will be able to create invisible virtual objects that mirror the structure of the real world scene, thus hiding the 3D content the right way in the observer’s view. On the other hand, the “Lighting Debug Mode” is an option that extends user’s control over the tracking algorithm in such a way to adjust the quality of target’s recognition and tracking as a function of the lighting conditions in the real world scene. With regards to available licenses, another important novelty is the release of a “Personal Learning Edition”. This is a free but partially limited version of the software that can be downloaded by anyone who wants to learn the basics of AR without the need of writing a line of code. All you need to make AR-media™ Plugin work is a personal computer and a webcam. The Plugin supports also a wide variety of Head Mounted Displays, like for example Vuzix® CamAR, eMagin, i-glasses™. For details visit Inglobe Technologies’ website.
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