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  1. Typically the best value is found somewhere in the middle ground, but where exactly?; Which items are worth buying in bulk when starting to build a bang-for-buck home built renderfarm from scratch, with economical future expansion being a key consideration? Its far easier to compare apples with apples, but we have to look at the sum of the parts here. Starting from scratch, would you build many or few machines, and with what type/quality of components? If we put our heads together, we could probably save many people in this arch-viz community from investing in hardware set-ups that don't expand well or represent good value. A concept for a scale-able farm isn't always straightforward, for example, we can ask ourselves: (assuming that space and aesthetics are not a concern, but that good value raw render power is paramount) CPUs Considering the context of the overall hardware configuration: What presents better value computing capability, e.g. lots of i7s, multiple pairs of Xeons?; Bottom of the range, Middle, or Top? GPUs Considering the context of the overall hardware configuration: Discreet graphics are probably good enough - right? Probably depends on the motherboard? PSUs Considering the context of the overall hardware configuration: Lots of cheap ones, or one really powerful PSU?; Which makes more economic sense? MOTHERBOARDs Considering the context of the overall hardware configuration: Are two single Motherboards ultimately better value than one dual CPU board? SSDs Considering the context of the overall hardware configuration: One OS for every CPU/or two, does not seem very practical. CASEs Considering the context of the overall hardware configuration: One huge/or custom case or lots of separate boxes? AND... then there is COOLING as well! Finally, what is the best value private render farm solution you've seen? and/or propose? (The concept is key. The exact specs are secondary).
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