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Found 3 results

  1. I have a material library that was included in my Vray purchase. I'm told that the materials in this very extensive library were designed to be used with Gamma and LUT turned off. I have been leaving gamma LUT on and setting gamma at 2.2. What should I expect to adjust to make these materials work at these settings? Right now the materials aren't even close to what they are supposed to look like and they do appear as intended when I turn off gamma. I've tried guessing at adjustments but I can't figure out where to start. Hopefully the adjustments will be pretty consistent for all the materials as I would hate to have to throw this library away. Thank You
  2. Can someone tell me why every time I reopen a file my custom material library is gone. I'm using a .max scene file with custom materials provided by my VRay dealer. I've been using the materials with no problems but now, for some strange reason, every time I reload the material library it shows in the material browser but when I click to expand there is nothing there. I have several copies of this file and I've tried loading them all but getting the same result. I have the same materials in a .mat file and they load fine but I 'd prefer the .max scene file because they are all mapped properly.
  3. guys, i'm having this, like, enormous problem with max 2012. once in a while i import materials from some of my older scenes and projects, just to save time and trouble, and i never save changes i've made to material library. now, for some reason, at some point these scenes that i import materials from tend to get corrupted - i can't open them, nor can i import materials, objects ore any data from them at all . they are utterly destryed. and this had happened several times already, so i'm sure it is not just my imagination. does anybody have any information on this matter and is there solution for this problem. thanks
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