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Found 3 results

  1. If I edit an OBJ after importing it into another scene, the model becomes oddly deformed. The smoothing groups make appear that way at least. What am I doing wrong? Perhaps I should uncheck optimize normals? Does it have something to do with the precision value at 4?
  2. I've been having horrible luck with this new process,initially it seemed to be a GREAT way to import the files, but the more i work with it the less useful i'm finding it. I think many of my problems are based on the fundamental fact that most of the sketchup models i'm recieving are based off of autocad linework, (and piss poor autocad linework at that) now, the problem with this is that the direction of the original line that is extruded was drawn is what indicates which way the normal is facing in sketchup (assumption) fine, crappy, but whatever, I can deal with flipping faces for the added benifit of keeping materials and groups in my translation. the *GIANT* problem i'm having is that while the face normals are flipped, i can theoretically FIX that, but what i can't seem to fix is the VERTEX normals. which dont seem to respect any sort of sense. Attaching some demonstration screenshots. This unfortunately is playing hell with some of my shaders! most common would be vraydirtmap, but it doesn't play nicely with any of my realtime normal mapping work either.
  3. Has there been any sort of break through in how we handle normals and fsck'd meshes? I ask because I was just handed yet another sketchup model that is more or less screwed because of almost random normal directions? Overall the geometry isn't too terribad, corners meet, doesn't appear to be many if any double faces. but.. I could rebuild the entire thing in half the time it would take to clean the normals. I was just curious as to whether anyone else had come across some magic solution that doesn't suck with regards to dealing with other peoples skethcup models?
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