Has anyone figured out the best way to bring files from Revit into max 2016, (Vray 3.20.1)?
It's been so inconsistent for me and, even when I do get the model into max the geometry is really bad.
Since loading max 2016, every time I try to reload my revit file I either get a message saying the fbx file is empty, or the file loads with autodesk default materials and all my vray materials get wiped out.
I always make sure to select keep 3ds max materials procedures on reload, and Keep 3ds max scene materials assigned on reload.
I usually end up combining by revit material because that always worked best for me in the past.
But since loading 2016 and VRay 3.20.1, I can't seem to get it to work at all.
The second part of my question is- If I could edit the Revit geometry better in max, I wouldn't have to keep editing in Revit and reloading. But when I try to select one wall, (or any other single object), to change the geometry,
ALL the walls are selected and I can't figure out how to edit as needed. There is no option to "convert to" anything. It's an editable mesh and unable to be selected on it's own.
Thank You