Right, need to get on top of this before it destroys me.
Been making a scene and I noticed that by adding several displacement maps in the material editor, my render time turned into days, not hours. So I just got rid and settled for bumps.
Then I was down to two displacements, one a procedural on a bit of terrain, the other a bitmap (2048x2048) on a small plane of water.
Low quality renders were taking about 20 minutes at 1100px wide. Just set it to high quality (high in irradiance map, 50/20 hsph, 1500 light cache, DMC 2/8, 1300px wide) and it's taken 18 hours so far and is estimated to take another 13 for the 4th and final pass.
That's just not cricket if you ask me.
I have a hyperthread quad core i7 + 8gb.
Scene looks like this:
Got fog gizmo in there too.
Any advice? Is this a normal time for such a scene and hardware set up? Would you settle for such a render time or is vray laughing at me?