hi folks,
i'm recently working on a stone model. After finishing the modeling and setting up the uvs i imported the model (obj) in mudbox and painted a 8192x8192 diffuse map. Then i created the spec and normal map with crazybump.
After i inserted a VrayNormalMap (gamma overide to 1) into the BumpMap (value 300) slot i got some strange reflective area on the stone, looks like one UV junk is not reflecting correctly.
Lightning source is a Domelight with a VrayHDRI map.
Maybe somebody knows a solution
with normal-bump-map
without normal-bump-map
Diffusemap reduced size from 8192px to 800px
NormalMap reduced size from 8192px to 800px
edit: maybe it's a uv junk problem, because that one uv part is covering a "hard edge" which could lead to this problem, i'll give it a try tomorrow
Must have been an unwrap UVW junk problem, looks alright know
So today i tested the model with multiscatter and it looks perfect to me
cheers deC9r