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First screenshots of project Monte Carlo.

Pablo Zurita

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Taken from my own blog available at http://www.pablo-zurita.com.ar/?newlang=english.

So after some time without writing, I’m back with some screenshots on the project I’m working on in Irradiance Software. First of all let me explain the names we use for the project because some people might get confused. The whole project is codenamed “Monte Carlo”, and the project in two parts, one is the 3D engine codenamed “Albedo Engine”, and the other part are the tools (plug ins for 3ds max and a GUI editor) codenamed “Flux”. If you want to know a bit about the product go to http://www.irradiance.com.ar/english/projects.html. Now what I have in the screenshots is an scene based on the famous Cornell Box, the scene was created in 3ds max 7, using five planes, 1 teapot primitive with ten segments no handle and no spout, and a plane VRay light. The lightmaps were generated using 3ds max’s Render to Texture feature. Our own materials were applied to the geometry too so the engine can display the materials the way they are supposed to show. Even though our engine supports custom glSlang shaders, a very simple shader was applied to the geometry. As we produce more shaders, better tools, and more scenes I will be showing more complex stuff, I wanted to show this because I know a few people that would like to know how a product evolves over time. Anyway, here are the screenshots, click on them for the high resolution versions.


Cornell Box scene in 3ds max 7.



A standard Flux map applied in the teapot.



Cornell Box inside the Albedo Engine running in realtime. Wireframe version.



Cornell Box inside the Albedo Engine running in realtime.

I should say that all here is not final, its just a product in development, if you have any comments or questions let me know.

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It's encouraging to see a real time app aimed at arch viz, a market that will surely grow exponentially in the future.


Just make sure it's easy to use and stable. I've used Eon, and for a non programmer, it's a pain, to say the least.


Will this have collision detection? That would be one of the most important dynamic qualities for arch viz.


I look forward to seeing updates.

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It's encouraging to see a real time app aimed at arch viz, a market that will surely grow exponentially in the future.


Just make sure it's easy to use and stable. I've used Eon, and for a non programmer, it's a pain, to say the least.

Sure, that’s the idea, we want to make a program that’s easy to use, but to also we want to provide flexibility so the people that are a bit more technical can also do good presentations without feeling limited.


Will this have collision detection? That would be one of the most important dynamic qualities for arch viz.


I look forward to seeing updates.

What do you mean by collision detection? Do you mean just collision detection or all the dynamics also? Also, how is that so important, I know its good and it adds to how realistic it looks, but I fail to see why it is so important.


Looks quite nice Pablo!

I would love to see more features of your engine turn on too :)

Thanks doc.


Very interesting project!, let us know if we can help in some way- Thomas+son

I will probably ask for some simple test scenes like the ones people use to test new materials, or lighting techniques. The idea is to see how well Monte Carlo integrates with scenes already made, etc. Anyway as soon as we need some help we will ask for it, thanks for offering your help :)

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