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empty exterior


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another noob question,


what d'u do when u want to get the windows in an exterior with precise refraction n all, but the building looks completely empty inside.

Besides filling every floor with furniture, how could you fake this nicely?




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not always an easy option this. you can do several things -


* you can add a bit of furnature just behind the glass so it looks like there something there at least


* add some fresnel to the glass material so the reflection depth varies throughout the view


* render the glass material out as a separate pass layer and play with it in post later


* give the glass a fairly transparant value, but put a high reflectance to it, together with a high specular value to pick up a bloom from the sun. this will give you nice high contrasty reflections.


* or a quick and dirty method is to paste photos of internals just behind the glass to fake the look. not always recommendable as it generally looks cheap and nasty, but, in certain circumstances it can work nicely.



i'm working on a street at this very moment which involves allot of pavement level glazing, but all i've got internally is an empty box. for this job i've given the internals a black material with slight reflectivity (helps give the internals some 'action'), and given the glass high reflectance, high specularity (to catch the sun) and rendered it out as a separate layer so i can adjust it's contrasts in photoshop later.


here's a wip of what i'm looking at so far -




take a look at some photographs on the net of buildings in similar camera views to yours. in a bright day time environment you'll notice that unless you have a nearly mirror reflectance on the glass it'll be almost black or very dark inside. perhaps some hdri will help with your glass too.

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hey, no probs, thats why we're all here to help each other.


i find the best solution to problems is to think things out laterally before you start worrying and confusing yourself.


my best tip - ALWAYS look at real photos of buildings in similar situations to yours you're about to render. look at it and study it. and partiulaly with glass, which is a very reflective and contrasty element. you can always edit your glass in post to make it look better if you're not happy with what comes from the renderer.

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You can render it out with the glass in a different channel, PSD manager is one tool that will do this. Easy way is to render your scene with glass material as a vivid pure colour not found i the rest of your scene, like a bright pink, and then use colour select in photoshop, save the selection and use it on your final render.

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