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Site locks up


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Sorry to bother you with this but I'm getting desperate....

I've been a huge fan of the cgarchitect forums for a year or so, but recently I've been totally unable to look at more than about 5 or 6 postings (mostly work in progress/finshed work forum) without the site totally locking up on me, and refusing to load any of the site pages at all (not just the forums). I'll start off using Firefox, but once it's locked up, IE doesn't work either

Any ideas???

Would be so grateful if anyone can help, as I love this site, and owe you a great debt (as a self-taught freelancer), and it's driving me mad!!


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once the site locks up, is it just the cgarchitect stuff that then fails to work? can you click onto another site as per normal and that works directly after, and in the same internet session as using cgarchitect? or does your whole internet just crap up alltogether no matter what site you then click on before you close down and try again?

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No, It's just the cg architect site that locks up, and will not reconnect however many times I try to reopen the browser.


BUT wierdly enough, after I posted this last night, everything went back to normal, and I was able to spend a good hour on here catching up with everything. I have not posted much on this site, but done lots of reading and looking, so I figured that it must be some wierd bug you have put in to discourage lurkers and get everyone posting messages!!!


Anyway - it seems okay now (fingers crossed) and I shall try posting a bit more in future.

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