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Sticky thread for potential buyers ?


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I think it would be good if there was a sticky thread about what is Maxwell really capable of at its current stage of development (and updated as news are coming).


Because a lot of us are concerned about the false advertising on Maxwell homepage.

The real RC (Release Candidate=full featured software with little to no bugs) is far from out, and announced features are not yet available for most of them.

Yet they sell this "bargain" (last chance order has been there for months litterally) luring people with unreproductible speed comparisons, and announcing release of RC on Dec 2nd without saying we're already at RC4 and none of them are useable...


Maybe someone who'd like and have time to do it could gather information to make an historic of the situation (releases dates from alpha, release announcements, features added/removed, ...), and maybe a list of the promised features (on white paper and on the forum by NL team statements) and their current implementation.


The goal wouldn't be to bash Next Limit nor Maxwell, but just show factuals so any potential buyer is informed of the real state of the software.


It would require a fairly neutral person, who likes to deal with putting data together. (I would have think of Thomas An., but he's quite occupied somewhere else :D )


We would all help that person to get as "real" and concise as we can.


Before someone suggests it, I think my english is too bad for that role...

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I think all the info any potential victim, I mean customer, could ever need is on the NL forums so a quick referrer back there should do the trick ;)


I'm not sure that someone who would visit Maxwell forums for a quick look would manage to understand that he wouldn't get what he would pay for...

Negative posts are moved or deleted faster than hell. Polls like "would you like to have a refund" are apparently considered as "dissident activism" :rolleyes: and are erased (30%+ of answering customers voting 'yes' is for sure a bad advertising).


And for people just judging by homepage, white paper and screenshot of Beta Vs 1.0, they would be properly 'faked'.


At the same time, I suppose that everybody potentially interested have already heard about what's going on there...


The 1-post-insulting-man was probably right, it's maybe not worth the effort. :)

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I was quite suprised that NL deleted those Polls... I found it quite impressive that despite all the slipped dealines and problems with the RC (alpha) etc. that 7 out of 10 people still want NL to keep their money. I'm with them, I still want the product and I can wait.


The best advice regarding Maxwell is the same as for any pre-release software, only invest imoney you can afford to lose. At the end of the day its a gamble.



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I think such a sticky would be very valuble. Provided it was factual, not dramatized and clearly explained what is and is not currently possible. I think it should also explain what ramifications that lack of functionality has on potential consumers.


A post like this could be two-fold. 1. What features are advertsied, but are not fully functional, which Beta or RC that feature is currently not working in. and to what extent it is not working. 2. What features are lacking compared to other products, what ramifications that has and what if any work arounds or alternate solutions there are to address the missing feature currently.


If people post their issues in a pre-determined format, then it could be a very valuable list to the community. There could be a stick thread that the moderators and myself update and a thread where the issues are posted. If people are interested in participating and growing such a thread, I'll do what I can to make it work for you. Let me know your thoughts.

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I'm for it too, of course !

Thanks Jeff.



Beside that, like Neil, I dont want my money back.

But things have to be clear when money is involved, and at the present time, it's far from being the case over Maxwell website/forums.

A new ""investor"" should be clearly shown what he will get for his money at the present time, so he can choose and take the risk or not.


Does someone manage to obtain that in the same amount of time ?

Beta Vs 1.0 Pre-release


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I'm a potential buyer (albeit a very wary one) so I'd find it useful.


I'm interested in users' progress and seeing what Maxwell can do but if I stumble onto another post telling me that Next Limit are ba**ards and poor business people, I'll stay away from this forum for good.


I'm sure it's not just me who's fed up hearing the same negative story over and over. Surely things can only get better(?)

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