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Speed views whithout rendering


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Thanx folks... :) (i don't know what "folks" means but it sounds good..hehe :p )


Ok, the project is a "music and arts city" (i don't know how to say in english).. cidade des artes (brazilian expression), and is 200 * 100 meters..

We are actually in the APS (avant projet sommaire)..which is in france the first moment of the project, that we began only 3 months ago.. I did not make any pic (rendered pic) for the moment because of the short time we have to design the project, to complete plans, etc...i hope i will have more time to spend on rendering soon :D


I use rhinoceros for modeling, and 3ds max 5 whith brazil for rendering... we have good machines, but i don't use them for the moment .. those "things" are made whith p4 2.4 GHZ, 1Gb Ram



Well ...Thaxx for replys :p





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Volk (as in 'folks')


any comments on your experiences modeling buildings with rhino and exporting to max?

rhino3 has a lot of pre-render potential and extensibility?


eg. small RAM footprint; command workflow similarities with autocad; excellent geometry import/export features; renderman rib support; more intuitive cad-3D modeling; etc etc

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