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Winter rendering


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Hi all, my first winter rendering with snow. I think the raydiosity needs some more finetuning but overall i'm pleased with the result. For the technical geeks : I used LightWave on a G4 450 MHz Mac, rendertime 11,5 hours (overnight); the snow are volumetrics and no photoshop involved (well the jpg generation is from within PS ;) ). Any comments, questions ?



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Hi, Ingo.

Nice "warm" cold feeling. It really is. I guess its the sky and the facades colors.

I have two remarks here:

It looks funny that the road is fully covered with snow, while the sidewalks almost aren't. I would think that it is usually the other way around.

Second, those bushes in the house front look too repetative and blocky. In the beginning I was actually thinking that its a flock of birds sitting there...

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I agree with the 'warm' cold look. It's cold and snowy here in Connecticut and the sky never looks 'warm' in the winter. It's always a pale blue, with white/gray clouds. Sunsets have bright pinks and oranges (it can be pretty : ). I think the sky looks a little too tropical, but that's just the way it looks here in New England.

One more thing is the trees. The trunks looks far too large at the bottoms for their height. Are they 3D trees? If you made them in software for 3D foliage, you may want to narrow the trunk.

I like the snow and the deviation in the surface. You could probably spread it out more, so it looks more like wind drifts, but no big deal.

I like the image, and the winter scene is a great idea. I'd love to try one sometime.

Did a client pay you for a winter scene, or is it a personal experiment?

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Thanks for the comments. Its an early morning scene, thats why you see some reddish sun ( a bit to much), and the snow in the foreground is on a grassy ground, a not on the street.

And of course there is a parallax perspective, its a wideangle lens slightly moved up.

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Hi mbr, well its an experiment, i only got paid for building the model, without the trees. The trees are made in Onyx tree's PlugIn and look similar to our oaks here in the street. Oh and i forgot to add the sky is rendered in Terragen this time, not in LightWave.

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Well, that was easy. Just spray some points on the grass area, 15145 will be enough and add a volumetric to it, in LightWave they are called Hypervoxels. Add some luminosity gradient (i think i add some blueish luminosity next) and their you go. Oh, i forgot to add some hours of try and error ;) And endless test renderings, because of the volumetrics.

BTW, the same way the flock of seagulls, err the "Buchsbaum" (i dont know the english word for it) bushes are made, as always in Germany all the same height, really. Often used in English gardens too.

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>>Hypervoxels are NewTek's breakthrough rendering technology for greatly simplifying the creation of extremely detailed 3D surfaces. A Hypervoxel is a 3D pixel used to create volumetric effects such as liquids, fire, smoke, dust, ash, gelatin, rusted materials, clouds and many, many more. With surface, volume and sprite modes, nearly any effect and level of detail can be achieved.


Directly from Newteks website. HTH

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This is a very good image. I like the sky on the second image. Maybe a it's little clear (bright) towards the haze. Use some fog, that will definitively give your image a more colder look. What about some smoke coming out of a building in the background?. Regards.


[ December 30, 2002, 02:02 PM: Message edited by: CHE ]

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Hi guys, Happy New Year !


Yes Rick, its hopefully only a dream and when i slowly wake up every sheep pops up like a soap-bubble into nonexistens. This should be a warning picture to what can happen if we allow cloning eek2.gif

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Ok, since someone asked me offline i give the information online too. The images polygon count is around 1000000, depending on how many trees i use. And i think the 3D trees are one half of that.(all number without sheeps)


>>mmmèèèèèhhhh... mmmmeeeeuuuuuuuèèèèèhhhhhh!!!


Hi nisus, is the first one a flemish sheep and the second one a french ? :D

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