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Possible OT: Digital Scheduler?


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Hey guys,



I've come to realize my resources and files have gotten out of control, along with keeping track of printing supplies and things of that nature.


So, I'm looking for a daily scheduling program of sorts. What I'd like to be able to do is basically set reminders that pop up on my screen...a reminder to back up all project work each week, a monthly reminder to check ink and paper levels, a daily reminder to spend an hour revisiting an old project.


Does anyone have any ideas if a program like this exists or where to get one? It would help immensely in my arch viz workflow as I let things get out of hand a lot.

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I found what I wanted...had to pay for it but WinOrganizer.


Out of curiosity what was this application able to do that Outlook can't do? I took a quick look and it seemed like was Outlook without email. Outlook 2003/2007 even comes with a seperate contct management app.

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