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Matte/Shadow turned completely black in Max 9


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I'm trying to replace some furnitures on a given photo (attached below). Walls and floor have Matte/shadow materials. In Max 7 and 8 I have no problem dealing with this kind of material. It seems I can't get it into work in Max 9. What seems to be the problem?


Any help would greatly be appreciated. Thanks.



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quote" We manufacture modern antique furniture. "


Is that a joke or a language thing?


It's one of those classic signage put up by a local store in our country.

We have plenty of those like...


"We sell fresh artificial flowers"

"Fresh Frozen Chicken Sold Here"

"2nd Floor Upstairs"... etc.. etc...



Anyway, I managed to finish the job and figured it out. I have to reload the background photo AGAIN on the environment map slot. Before it was in the Views/Viewport background. But still.... theres no shadow on the Matte/Shadow material. The finished render was saved as PNG and composited in PS CS2. Shadows are handpainted to finish the job.



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Try this http://forum.german-mentalray-wiki.info/viewtopic.php?t=750


I have tried yet but I want to




Thanks for the link Justin. I tried the workflow as they stated but I could'nt put Matt/Shadow material on the Base Color of the Color Mix shader. It's the only key I have to solve this problem. Rendered image below shows inverted shadow color.



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