dagor Posted November 5, 2007 Share Posted November 5, 2007 Hi Australian, First of all, i`m not good in english, so please, forgive me my mistekes and be patient )) Thanks! I`m 3d artist from Russia, but i want to relocate in Australia in future. I search google about relocation, read about visas and australia life. i`ve found several companys, firms, studios. But i can`t find something about job, work, company, community with architecture or 3d in whole australia! I think i miss something... For example i work in industry for 3 year here in Novosibirsk. I know alot about companys, vacancies, salary in Nsk. But when i was noob here, i found not any infos. And those people who noob now can`t find any info. There are not much 3d artist or jobs in public jobsites. But here is alot of "hidden" work, job, events. I`m realy noob in australian 3d, job, industry etc. I`ve found several companys, jobsearch site but i think there are something more and i don`t see it. I read that there are alot 3d work in Perth but i can`t find it. So this is my history )) And i ask you about help. What kine of help i need? I say you. First of all i don`t ask you to find me job or help me with relocation) i think it`s my own deal. Can you give me advice or say what do you think. I hope Australian know more about this situation than Russain. And you work in australian industry! I`m out from australian industry. Also i want compare my skills and experience with au industry. As a think, there are more valuable exterior render than interior render in australia. I`m 3d modeler, visualiser of interior, architeture, advertisment, presentation and so on. I`m going to make my portfolio and demo speceally for au. So any advice, any suggestion are wellcome. Thank you. ps. shaneis, thank you alot! your reply is very helpfull! we can continue in this thread. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
3D_IC Posted November 6, 2007 Share Posted November 6, 2007 Hi Dagor, which city are you focusing on in Australia? I'll try and help. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dagor Posted November 6, 2007 Author Share Posted November 6, 2007 David, i realy love Brisbane. There live my friend. The city and citylife is great. Also i like other city like Perth. For the start i think it can be any city. Not realy any, but i CAN`T say that i want move only Bris, Sydney, Perth and noone more. I must prove myself and my employer that i`m valuable worker. there was mistake ) i want move in any urban city ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deevee84 Posted November 6, 2007 Share Posted November 6, 2007 i like the way you use the word 'noob' im prob in the same situation as you but reverse. good luck with relocating... im thinking of relocating too.. but outside of australia. wouldnt know where to start... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dagor Posted November 6, 2007 Author Share Posted November 6, 2007 David, thank for you advice. I`m already subscrived there! I can help you move in Russia in Novosibirk. It`s realy nice city. So if you interested - PM me )) May be you can take my job in our firm i need someone who can replace me. PS. why do you want move out au? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rusted_dusk Posted November 6, 2007 Share Posted November 6, 2007 Hi Dagor, I'm a 3D artist here in perth. Perth is a great place to live but I think Brisbane is perhaps more affordable in terms of cost of living. here are a few companies to contact in perth: http://www.lastpixel.com.au http://www.constructivemedia.com.au http://www.pixelfocus.com.au Also do a search on http://www.seek.com.au for employment listings. Good luck! Rob Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jvlive Posted November 6, 2007 Share Posted November 6, 2007 This looks interesting. David, may I know what made you think of relocating out of australia? Good luck, Dagor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dagor Posted November 6, 2007 Author Share Posted November 6, 2007 2 Rob. thank you. you work in Architect or TV ? http://www.seek.com.au - thay usualy want artist with visa. thay don`t want overseas Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nic H Posted November 6, 2007 Share Posted November 6, 2007 Hi Dagor, I think you should be able to get a 'working holiday visa' for 12 months, after that you can stay if a company sponsors you. Once you are sponsored for over 2 years you can become a resident. There is alot of opportunity for 3D artists in Brisbane, due to the construction boom. Im also led to believe that Perth is quiet busy, lastpixel.com have some excellent work and are about as good as arch vis gets in Australia. You said you don't want to move to Melbourne, but its a great city and definitely worth considering, there are quiet a few architectural visualization studios here. We are looking for staff all the time as well! Im also about to move away from Australia, to sunny london! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dagor Posted November 6, 2007 Author Share Posted November 6, 2007 oh, there was mistake!!! i mean i CAN`T say that i want move only Bris, Sydney, Perth. I`ve found several city in wikipedia. There are alot of citis in the East coast, like Bris, Newcastle, Gladstone, Mackey... Also Adelaida, Melbourne, Sydney will be good!, and of course Perth and Fremanle. I think Darwin and Cairns are far away. I want move with my wife and daughter. It will be good if 'working holiday visa' allow move my family with me. I`ll check this visa today, thanks! Where do you work? what companty and who are you there? I`ve send alot of resume in almost australian company, but most of them not answer me. I don`t know why. May be my portfolio is not good for au, may be my communication is not good. I`ll send me resume again some later. I want make special portfolio for migration Why you want move out? Is it just passion for travel or you like "sunny" ^)) London? Don`t want try snowy Novosibirsk? I`m about exchange me to you ))) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
3D_IC Posted November 6, 2007 Share Posted November 6, 2007 Hi Dagor, The work here is plentifull, but i think its a matter of who you know. Its hard to get your foot in the door, but once you're in theres no shortage of work. You are in the right place on this forum to make first contact. One of my architect clients has alot of foreign employees and has the ability to grant visas. I don't think a visa will be a problem, but maybe for your wife and daughter it might be. Have a look on the government emigration website http://www.dimia.gov.au/ You may want to consult a migration agent to advise you further. Which ever city you decide to move to i don't think you'll have any problem finding work. There are several 3d studios here in Australia, but you should also try the architects because they love to have an in-house 3d guy to do the design development 3d stuff. I think the average wage here depending on where you work will be around 60-80k Aus My experience since i've been here (18 months) has been mainly in working from sketches and tracing paper hand drawings. It seems alot more fluid here in that the design is constantly evolving. Totally different to the way I'm used to working in the UK. Good luck with the move Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dagor Posted November 6, 2007 Author Share Posted November 6, 2007 thank alot! it`s good idea about architects! i`ve miss it and will try. PS. good morning )) it`s nice that you help me in the begining of day Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
3D_IC Posted November 6, 2007 Share Posted November 6, 2007 You're welcome mate! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dagor Posted November 8, 2007 Author Share Posted November 8, 2007 i want to say thank you all for countenance and help in forum and PM. it`s realy helpfull! yesterday i spoke with recruitment agency by the phone )) it was my first interview so i was agitated and worried and it seams i flunk it. Anyway it is good experience for me. My verbal english skill is not good )) I learned english by the old computers game (it was long time ago) and by internet. I realy can read and understand easy english. But it`s hard to me write correctly. And it`s realy hard to hear good english language. Anyway i`m working on it hardly (films, audiobook, english lessons...). I think i can improve my verbal english in australia during month )) So how you think, is it understandable, correcty what i write you here )) May be you read and think "what are he talking about? what does he mean" )) And one more question. I have some advertisment work for outdoor posters. I think it`s look not bad and it will be good to include it in my portfolio. Only problem is not only mine work. It`s team work. There are often alot of postproducion, montage work done by our designers. So take a look on 2 sample i`ve atached. I rendered tonnel for poster and the woman was montaged by our designer. Also there is some postpoduction work, color corection and so on. And another image where i took a part. Library. I rendered computer case, book shelf, ceiling, lader. And our designer finished poster with books, sky, city and men. How you think, should i or can i include it in my portfolio? I always say to emploer that it`s team work and always write short description of what i done, like here. But may be it`s look like i try to be better than i am ))) May be it`s look i`m cheater. Anyway i move forward in my relocation )) -- dagor Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Justin Hunt Posted November 8, 2007 Share Posted November 8, 2007 if you are going for an architectural job then dont put in the woman, but if you are going for an advertising type job then yes include it. Definterly credit all who were involved, highlighting exactly what you did. For me it demonstrates your ability to work in a group environment. I really like the computer/ bookshelf image The ability to speak, read and write english in Australia is quite important and a requirment by the immigration department. Having said that, there is an excellent translation service available with any goverment department. Good luck JHV Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nic H Posted November 9, 2007 Share Posted November 9, 2007 Id definately include both, it shows you are able to do a broader range of styles and approaches to rendering, rather than straight standard architectural renders, its helps you stand out in a bunch of folios. My folio while predominately architectural has furniture viz, advertising, and personal art. At work we are finding ourselves dealing more and more with advertising agencies rather than developers/architects, and as a result are being asked to produce more specific stylised work to fit in with the general marketing 'feel' of a building or precinct. Just be clear about what role you played in the production of each image. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vizwhiz Posted November 9, 2007 Share Posted November 9, 2007 Dagor your English is better Than my Russian i Took Russian Language russki yazik about 30 years ago pochti tritsad lyet nazad dont worry, it is easier To read english Than write it it is easier To hear english Than speak it, acutally english is very difficult because it is not strictly a phonetic language Too many fn idioms and some words are spoken differently Than written you are doing quite well, my friend Ti delaesh ochen horosho moi droog keep Trying randy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dagor Posted November 9, 2007 Author Share Posted November 9, 2007 Randy, thank you for the good words!!! May be we can chat via MSN or Skype some day )) Are you realy from Antarctica ? PS. you russian is good. I understand it easy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HADLEY782 Posted November 11, 2007 Share Posted November 11, 2007 Hey, dagor...I can help your with other sort of info about work in Australia which I find quite useful. In the same time, I wish you all the best and I bet you will do just fine, especially that Australia has opened its frontiers for foreign job seekers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dagor Posted November 11, 2007 Author Share Posted November 11, 2007 Thank you Mike, This info is useful. I think i`ll gather all infos i have and share it with other. May be it will be helpful for someone else. I`ll do it some later, when i finish my freelace job )) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SandmanNinja Posted November 18, 2007 Share Posted November 18, 2007 Hi Dagor, You might try contacting a Migration Agent - they are trained in helping you relocate to this country. If you want to go the Work Sponsor Visa route, try contacting as many different arch companies in-country. Give them examples of your work and tell them you're looking for someone to sponsor you for a Work Visa. With a Employer Sponsored Visa, it's not easy nor cheap. The employer has to prove that they have looked extensively and for a considerable amount of time for local, Australian talent before looking to fill the work gap from overseas. If you want to try to do it on your own, there use to be a Point system. If you had a 4-year-degree, you got 'x' amount of points. If you had technical certificates, you got 'y' amount of points. Cheers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hawk Posted November 23, 2007 Share Posted November 23, 2007 Hi Dagor! I'm also russian (but i'm from Riga, Latvia) and i live in Perth and work in Last Pixel. I know how difficult it is to get in Australia but there are many different ways, i don't want to bore everyone with my long story but you can PM me and we could talk about your situation and maybe you could send your portfoilo directly to me and i'd show it here in Last Pixel to the right people. Tak chto posilaj samije luchshije svoi raboti i kto znajet mozet eto budet horoshim nachalom, pravda ja lichno nichego obeshat ne mogu, tak kak daze esli firme ponravilis bi tvoi raboti ja somnevajus, chto oni bi zanimalis sponsortvom, no vozmozno esli ti sam bi nashol sposob popast' v Avstraliju (ob etom mi pogovorim), to jest varianti poluchit etu rabotu - tak kak oni vsegda zainteresovani v horoshih 3d eshnikah. Takze napishi mne v kakoj 3d programme ti rabotajesh i skolko tebe let ?! Cya later buddy , waiting for your PM. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dagor Posted November 23, 2007 Author Share Posted November 23, 2007 Serge, thank you, nice to meet you! So some word about my progress. I had several interview with recrutement agency and company. All said that my portfolio is ok and skills is ok too. only problem is my verbal english and skilled migration visa )) so i will improve english, make demoreel and know more about visas. it takes some time, but i will move forward. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlekseyR Posted March 30, 2008 Share Posted March 30, 2008 Hey people, who can point to 3d studios in australia? I've lived here for 6 years, just finished highschool(unfortunately the school was highly academic focused, and did very little for my hopes of a design career), been freelancing fulltime since then, but the only 3d studio i found in all of australia was qubekonstruct in melbourne. I'm just starting arch viz, but i can't find many jobs. Then again my portfolio is rather limited in that sphere at the moment. I'm actually considering moving to europe because of the lack of demand for 3d in this country. But from reading this post i might be missing something. Cheers, Aleksey Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dagor Posted March 30, 2008 Author Share Posted March 30, 2008 where are you in australia? list of company from me )) http://archvis.com.au/ http://www.3darchpix.com.au/ http://www.3dpixel.com.au/ http://aewstudios.com/ http://www.constructivemedia.com.au/index.html http://www.icoyotemedia.com/ http://www.lastpixel.com.au/ http://www.limn.com.au/ http://www.newideadigitalimage.com.au/index2.htm http://www.pixelfocus.com.au/ http://www.prdd.biz/ http://www.scharpdesign.com/ http://www.v2i.com.au/ http://www.vizualconnections.com.au/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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